NPM module. Export a json map from Tiled and get a map object
- Add custom terrain (FEAT)
- Add custom map properties (FEAT)
Export your map in Tiled. In map window => File => Export As and select "JSON map files". Set file name and extension as follows:
Next, do the same with the tile set. First, you can edit your tile set to define custom properties for each tile, which will be catched by the tiled-adapter module:
In the tileset window => File => Export As and select "JSON tileset files":
npm install tiled-adapter
To get a javascript object map from the Tiled files:
import { adapter } from "tiledAdapter";
const map = adapter.createMapFromTiled({
mapPath: "./map.json",
tilesetPath: "./tileset.json"
The map variable will contain a JavaScript object that represents your Tiled map.
You will obtain an object like this:
width: 10,
height: 8,
grid: [
typeId: 0,
type: "grass",
onlyFeet: false,
isPassable: true,
defensiveBonus: 1,
cost: 1,
canEmbark: false
typeId: 2,
type: "woods",
onlyFeet: true,
isPassable: true,
defensiveBonus: 2,
cost: 2,
canEmbark: false
You can also create a custom map using only some of the functionalities provided by the adapter. For example, you can define a custom grid and a custom tileset and use them to create a new map object. Here's an example:
import { createMap, customTile } from "tiled-adapter";
const customGrid = {
width: 4,
height: 2,
[0, 0],
[0, 1],
[2, 1],
[1, 1]
const customTileSet = [
new customTile({ id: 0, properties: { type: "grass", canBuild: true, isPassable: true, cost: 1 } }),
new customTile({ id: 1, properties: { type: "hardGrass", canBuild: true, isPassable: true, cost: 2 } }),
new customTile({ id: 0, properties: { type: "woods", canBuild: false, isPassable: false } }),
const customMap = createMap(customGrid, customTileSet);
In this example, we define a custom grid with a size of 4x2, and a custom tileset with three tiles, each with its own custom properties. We then use the createMap function to create a new map object with these custom settings.
Note that you can define any number of custom properties for each tile, as long as they are valid JavaScript objects.
width: 4,
height: 2,
grid: [
customTile {
typeId: 0,
type: 'grass',
canBuild: true,
isPassable: true,
cost: 1
customTile {
typeId: 0,
type: 'grass',
canBuild: true,
isPassable: true,
cost: 1
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- Documentation improve (DEV)