An Emmet filter for Elm Html.
Currently only works with Atom. However, the plan is to submit this to Emmet core after it has gotten some usage and testing.
cd ~/.atom/packages
(or whatever the path to your Atom packages are)git clone [email protected]:ahultgren/emmet-elm.git
- Restart or reload Atom
This assumes you already have Emmet installed.
[ action ""
, class "form"
[ input
[ type' "text"
, class "field1"
, value "test"
, input
[ type' "text"
, class "field2"
, value "3"
You will have to import the Html functions yourself. E.g:
import Html exposing (form, input)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, type', value)
- Automatic tests
- Submit to Emmet