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Game theoretic library, successor of gtlib-java


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Game theoretic library developed at AIC FEE CTU

Currently contains implementations of:

  • Domains:

    • General poker
    • Goofspiel
    • Kriegspiel
    • Matching pennies
    • Oshizumo
    • Phantom Tic-Tac-Toe
    • Pursuit-evasion
    • Random games
    • Rhode island poker
    • Stratego
  • Algorithms:

    • Best response calculation
    • Counterfactual regret minimization (CFR)
    • Normal-form linear program
    • Tree walk
    • Utility calculation for given strategy


Clone using git clone --recursive (this project uses git submodules):

git clone --recursive [url]

or for existing code

git submodule init
git submodule update

Setup which was tested to work:

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • g++ 7.4 installed
  • cmake 3.10.2

You do not need to have CPLEX or GUROBI solvers installed, but the functionality of the library will be obviously more limited.

This project uses C++17.

For ubuntu:

# At the time of writing this, at most gcc 7.3 was available for Ubuntu 18.04  
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/gcc-7.4
sudo apt update

sudo apt install build-essentials gcc-7 g++-7 cmake

Notice that if you compiled the library with older GCC versions which may not work, you need to delete all the cache files before trying again with newer version.


If you want to use LP solvers (currently CPLEX/GUROBI/GLPK is supported), you have to make sure they are properly installed on your system.

Copy the file example_BuildConfiguration.txt to BuildConfiguration.txt and optionally enable the solver you'd like to use (set it ON).

Follow the standard cmake build:

cd <project directory>
cp example_BuildConfiguration.txt BuildConfiguration.txt
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

Please note there are two ways of building up the project: in debug or release. Release uses additional compiler optimizations and runs faster, but takes longer time to build. Asserts are turned off in release. You can add release profile in CLion in Settings: Build, Execution, Deployment -> CMake -> Profiles -> (+) button should add release automatically.

If you want to change your configuration later, you will have to reset CMake cache and rebuild the project:

  • In CLion: Tools -> CMake -> Reset Cache and Reload Project

Use LP solvers

See installation instructions for LP solvers.


Install doxygen and run make doc from your build directory. The /doxygen directory with html/latex documentation should appear.

High-level overview

Take a look at base/ folder, which contains a number of abstract classes which are well documented.

Game is modeled as a (possibly cyclic) graph whose nodes represent true state of the game. The edges or transitions from state to state happen only when the actual game state has changed -- players might play actions, which do not change the state! Additionally, chance is encoded by stochastic transitions, i.e. the outcome of player's actions (in general) is not deterministic.

Each edge has an outcome assigned to it:

  • the new state,
  • vector of private observations,
  • public observation and
  • rewards for each player.

Extensive form game is built on top of this graph. There are some major differences to classical EFG definition in literature:

  • Chance events are not encoded as a distinct histories: a single action can lead to multiple histories with some probability.
  • Information sets are represented using action-observation history (AOH)
  • Utilities in the leaves are distributed along the (root -> leaf) trajectory as rewards.


Please check the file to understand how to contribute code to this repository.


Game theoretic library, successor of gtlib-java







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