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Plugin Registry Backend service is a express JS service which supports clients like Brackets Code Editor ( and Phoenix Code Editor( by providing all the necessary APIs to render the in-app extension store.

Code Guardian

<app> build verification

Sonar code quality check Security rating vulnerabilities Code Coverage Code Bugs Reliability Rating Maintainability Rating Lines of Code Technical debt

API Documentation


This API supports text-based search queries (see below for detailed params) on plugin registry. Search API can retrieve plugins(Extensions/Themes) by searching titles, keywords or authornames(by default). We can also search on more fields apart from the previously mentioned by passing it as a param. This API can be a functional entry point for all the UI search-box usecases.


  • Required Parameters

    • clientID {String}: A unique identifier required for authenticating clients
    • query {String}: String containing the text to be searched
  • Optional Parameters

    • filters {Object} (Default: Empty): Object contaning the fields array and sortBy field. See below e.g

      • fields {String Array}: Array containing additional fields to be searched.
      • sortyBy {String}: Constant value(asc/desc) to sort the results by total number of downloads. E.g,

      const filter = { fields:['',''], sortBy:'desc'}

    • resultSize {Integer} (Default: 10) : SearchResults list size.

    • skipIndex {Integer} {Default: 0}: Integer value required for pagination

Sample Request

curl -d '{"clientID":"your_iD","query":"Python"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:3000/search

getPlugins API

This API can be used to retrieve plugins by assetType(Extension/Theme) (see below for detailed params) on plugin registry. We can also apply certain keywords as filters to refine our search results. This API can be a functional entry point for loading plugins by default in the UI.r all the UI search-box usecases.


  • Required Parameters

    • clientID {String}: A unique identifier required for authenticating clients
    • assetType {String}: accepted values are 'EXTENSION' or 'THEME'
  • Optional Parameters

    • filters {Object} (Default: Empty): Object contaning the fields array and sortBy field. See below e.g

      • keywords {String Array}: Array containing additional keywords to match.
      • sortyBy {String}: Constant value(asc/desc) to sort the results by total number of downloads. E.g,

      const filter = { keywords:['HTML','HTML5'], sortBy:'desc'}

    • resultSize {Integer} (Default: 10) : SearchResults list size.

    • skipIndex {Integer} {Default: 0}: Integer value required for pagination

Commands available


Since this is a pure JS template project, build command just runs test with coverage.

> npm install   // do this only once.
> npm run build


To lint the files in the project, run the following command:

> npm run lint

To Automatically fix lint errors:

> npm run lint:fix


To run all tests:

> npm run test
  Hello world Tests
    ✔ should return Hello World
      ✔ should return -1 when the value is not present

Additionally, to run unit/integration tests only, use the commands:

> npm run test:unit
> npm run test:integ

Coverage Reports

To run all tests with coverage:

> npm run cover
  Hello world Tests
    ✔ should return Hello World
      ✔ should return -1 when the value is not present

  2 passing (6ms)

File      | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s 
All files |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |                   
 index.js |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |                   

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 100% ( 5/5 )
Branches     : 100% ( 2/2 )
Functions    : 100% ( 1/1 )
Lines        : 100% ( 5/5 )
Detailed unit test coverage report: file:///template-nodejs/coverage-unit/index.html
Detailed integration test coverage report: file:///template-nodejs/coverage-integration/index.html

After running coverage, detailed reports can be found in the coverage folder listed in the output of coverage command. Open the file in browser to view detailed reports.

To run unit/integration tests only with coverage

> npm run cover:unit
> npm run cover:integ

Sample coverage report: image

Unit and Integration coverage configs

Unit and integration test coverage settings can be updated by configs .nycrc.unit.json and .nycrc.integration.json.

See for config options.

Publishing packages to NPM

To publish a package to npm, push contents to npm branch in this repository.

Publishing @aicore/package*

If you are looking to publish to package owned by, you will need access to the GitHub Organization secret NPM_TOKEN.

For repos managed by aicore org in GitHub, Please contact your Admin to get access to's NPM tokens.

Publishing to your own npm account

Alternatively, if you want to publish the package to your own npm account, please follow these docs:

  1. Create an automation access token by following this link.
  2. Add NPM_TOKEN to your repository secret by following this link

To edit the publishing workflow, please see file: .github/workflows/npm-publish.yml

Dependency updates

We use Rennovate for dependency updates:

Code Guardian

Several automated workflows that check code integrity are integrated into this template. These include:

  1. GitHub actions that runs build/test/coverage flows when a contributor raises a pull request
  2. Sonar cloud integration using
    1. In sonar cloud, enable Automatic analysis from Administration Analysis Method for the first time image

IDE setup

SonarLint is currently available as a free plugin for jetbrains, eclipse, vscode and visual studio IDEs. Use sonarLint plugin for webstorm or any of the available IDEs from this link before raising a pull request: .

SonarLint static code analysis checker is not yet available as a Brackets extension.


Testing framework: Mocha , assertion style: chai

See on how to write tests Use chai for BDD style assertions (expect, should etc..). See move here:

Mocks and spies: sinon

if you want to mock/spy on fn() for unit tests, use sinon. refer docs:

Note on coverage suite used here:

we use c8 for coverage Its reporting is based on nyc, so detailed docs can be found here: ; We didn't use nyc as it do not yet have ES module support see: digitalbazaar/bedrock-test#16 . c8 is drop replacement for nyc coverage reporting tool


Backend Service for Phoenix and Brackets Plugin Registry



Code of conduct





No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3
