Adds file to IPFS node and pushes it's CID to a ETH smart contract.
Open a terminal and run an IPFS node.
Default connection is
ipfs daemon
Open a terminal and run ganache, use the mnemonic to make default values work.
Default connection is localhost:8545
ganache-cli -m "hamster coin cup brief quote trick stove draft hobby strong caught unable"
Deploy contract on ETH network, standard setting can be found in /contract/truffle-config.js
Default contract address is 0x4d470146215d085c75767b717dbB8D3b4468F893
cd contract;
truffle migrate --reset
Run Shuttle:
cargo run -- <FILE_NAME>
You can check that the value for the CID has changed by using truffle console
query the contract.
β truffle console
truffle(development)> const c = await Registry.deployed()
truffle(development)> await c.getCID()
Using ganache-bin
Before upload it should be empty on a new contract.
After upload the CID should be the entry
Usage: shuttle [OPTIONS] <PATH>
--ipfs-port <IPFS_PORT> IPFS HTTP port [default: 5001]
--ipfs-host <IPFS_HOST> IPFS HTTP ip [default:]
--eth-port <ETH_PORT> [default: 8545]
--eth-host <ETH_HOST> [default: localhost]
--addr <ADDR> [default: 0x4d470146215d085c75767b717dbB8D3b4468F893]
-d, --debug Print debug logs
-h, --help Print help information