This huge project is assigned in MS208 course. We built a compiler from scratch, from the backend to the frontend (antlr4 used for parsing) and added multiple optimizing strategies to reach the -O1 baseline. It was really an Odyssey both for mind and body.
The tutorial repo is here.
File Type | Files | Lines of Code | Total lines |
Java | 166 | 16072 | 19318 |
C | 10 | 268 | 293 |
Python | 6 | 335 | 463 |
Use antlr4 to generate parser tree files
Simplify parser tree by removing unnecessary tokens like
, etc. -
Another goal is to build a more logically organized tree than the generated parser tree.
For example,
in g4 appears inclassDef
, and its meaning varies in these nodes. We can return aVarListNode
in AST forvarDef
to maintain the information of the variables, and their specific usage is implemented in the upper nodes. The design is up to you.
class is recommended for recording the position of ASTNode in context. It's very simple:
public class Position {
private int row, column; // private: avoid changing
public Position(int row, int column) {
this.row = row;
this.column = column;
public Position(Token token) {
row = token.getLine();
column = token.getCharPositionInLine();
public Position(TerminalNode terminal) {
public int getRow() { return row; }
public int getColumn() { return column; }
public String toString() { return row + "," + column; }
Build all the ASTNodes by traverse the parser tree nodes.
For instance, when visiting ifStmt
in parser tree:
public class ASTBuilder extends MxBaseVisitor<ASTNode> {
public ASTNode visitIfStmt(MxParser.IfStmtContext ctx) {
// return IfStmtNode
Position pos = new Position(ctx.getStart());
ExprNode condition = (ExprNode) visit(ctx.expression());
StmtNode trueStmt = (StmtNode) visit(ctx.trueStmt);
StmtNode falseStmt = null;
if(ctx.falseStmt != null)
falseStmt = (StmtNode) visit(ctx.falseStmt);
return new IfStmtNode(pos, condition, trueStmt, falseStmt);