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Fixed issues with split build
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Robert (Bobby) Evans committed Oct 2, 2015
1 parent f04325b commit 25b6b07
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48 changes: 7 additions & 41 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ To pull in a merge request you should generally follow the command line instruct
3. Merge the pull request into your local test branch.

$ git pull <remote_repo_url> <remote_branch>
You can use `./dev-tools/ <pull-number>` to produce the above command most of the time.

4. Assuming that the pull request merges without any conflicts:
Update the top-level ``, and add in the JIRA ticket number (example: `STORM-1234`) and ticket
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,36 +223,10 @@ To pull in a merge request you should generally follow the command line instruct

# Build the code and run the tests

Maven has some issues with maven pugins, shading and multi-module projects which force Storm's build process to be somewhat non-standard.

Essentially what happens is that if you build a multi-module project where one module depends on another module that is a part of the same build, maven tries to be smart and will use the pom.xml and .jar or .class directory from the module that is a dependency.

So if we have a project set up like the following where we have flux depend on storm-core, and storm-core is shaded. flux will see different versions of the code and pom.xml from storm-core depending on what maven command is run.

- storm.git/
- pom.xml
- storm-core/
- pom.xml
- dependency-reduce-pom.xml
- target/
- classes/
- storm-core.jar (shaded)
- original.storm-core.jar (no-shaded)
- flux/
- pom.xml (depends on storm-core)
- target/
- classes/
- flux.uber.jar

If I run `mvn clean compile` the classpath for compiling flux will include `storm.git/storm-core/target/classes` which are not shaded, and if flux is written to use storm-core shaded class it will fail to compile. flux will also see the full set of non-shaded dependencies from storm-core, so if flux is creating an uber jar, it will assume that all of those dependencies will be provided by storm-core, when in reality they will not be.

If I run `mvn clean package` or `mvn clean install` flux will see the shaded storm-core.jar on its classpath, but it will still see the full non-shaded set of storm-core's dependencies.

The only way I found to make flux use the dependency-reduced-pom.xml from storm-core, is to first build and install storm-core by itself, and then build and install flux without storm-core. That way storm-core will install the shaded jar and dependency-reduced-pom.xml into the local repository. Then flux will get its dependencies from the local repo instead of trying to rebuild storm-core.

Because of this we have split the build into two profiles storm-core and storm-more. By default both build together which works OK for simple testing, but when doing a release it is important to build them in two phases or flux, storm-starter, and possibly others will not be packaged correctly.

## Prerequisites
Firt of all you need to make sure you are using maven 3.2.5 or below. There is a bug in later versions of maven as linked to from that
cause shaded dependencies to not be packaged correctly. Also please be aware that because we are shading dependencies mvn dependency:tree will not always show the dependencies correctly.

In order to build `storm` you need `python`, `ruby` and `nodejs`. In order to avoid an overful page we don't provide platform/OS specific installation instructions for those here. Please refer to you platform's/OS' documentation for support.

The `ruby` package manager `rvm` and `nodejs` package manager `nvm` are for convenience and are used in the tests which run on [travis]( They can be installed using `curl -L | bash -s stable --autolibs=enabled && source ~/.profile` (see the [rvm installation instructions]( for details) and `wget -qO- | bash && source ~/.bashrc` (see the [nvm installation instructions]( for details).
Expand All @@ -270,16 +245,9 @@ in order to get started as fast as possible. Users can still install a specific

The following commands must be run from the top-level directory.

The first step is to build/install the plugins and storm-core

`mvn clean install -Pstorm-core`
`mvn clean install`

If you wish to skip the unit tests you can do this by adding `-DskipTests` to the command line. Once this
completes successfully you may run

`mvn clean install -Pstorm-more`

to build and test all of the external libraries and examples. Again if you want to include `-DskipTests` you can.
If you wish to skip the unit tests you can do this by adding `-DskipTests` to the command line.

In case you modified `storm.thrift`, you have to regenerate thrift code as java and python code before compiling whole project.

Expand All @@ -302,7 +270,6 @@ You can also run tests selectively with `-Dtest=<test_name>`. This works for bo
Unfortunately you might experience failures in clojure tests which are wrapped in the `maven-clojure-plugin` and thus doesn't provide too much useful output at first sight - you might end up with a maven test failure with an error message as unhelpful as `Clojure failed.`. In this case it's recommended to look into `target/test-reports` of the failed project to see what actual tests have failed or scroll through the maven output looking for obvious issues like missing binaries.

<a name="packaging"></a>

## Create a Storm distribution (packaging)
Expand All @@ -311,8 +278,7 @@ You can create a _distribution_ (like what you can download from Apache) as foll
do not use the Maven release plugin because creating an official release is the task of our release manager.

# First, build the code.
$ mvn clean install -Pstorm-core # you may skip tests with `-DskipTests=true` to save time
$ mvn clean install -Pstorm-more # you may skip tests with `-DskipTests=true` to save time
$ mvn clean install # you may skip tests with `-DskipTests=true` to save time

# Create the binary distribution.
$ cd storm-dist/binary && mvn package
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13 changes: 2 additions & 11 deletions dev-tools/travis/
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Expand Up @@ -26,21 +26,12 @@ TRAVIS_SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )


python ${TRAVIS_SCRIPT_DIR}/ "install-storm-core.txt" mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pnative -Pstorm-core --batch-mode
python ${TRAVIS_SCRIPT_DIR}/ "install.txt" mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pnative --batch-mode

if [[ "$BUILD_RET_VAL" != "0" ]];
cat "install-storm-core.txt"

python ${TRAVIS_SCRIPT_DIR}/ "install-storm-more.txt" mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pstorm-more

if [[ "$BUILD_RET_VAL" != "0" ]];
cat "install-storm-more.txt"
cat "install.txt"

5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions dev-tools/travis/
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Expand Up @@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ PYTHON_VERSION_TO_FILE=`python -V > /tmp/python_version 2>&1`
PYTHON_VERSION=`cat /tmp/python_version`
RUBY_VERSION=`ruby -v`
MVN_VERSION=`mvn -v`

echo "Python version : $PYTHON_VERSION"
echo "Ruby version : $RUBY_VERSION"
echo "NodeJs version : $NODEJS_VERSION"

echo "mvn version : $MVN_VERSION"


Expand All @@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ cd ${STORM_SRC_ROOT_DIR}

# We now lean on Travis CI's implicit behavior, ```mvn clean install -DskipTests``` before running script
mvn --batch-mode test -fae -Pnative -Pstorm-core && mvn --batch-mode test -fae -Pstorm-more
mvn --batch-mode install -fae -Pnative

for dir in `find . -type d -and -wholename \*/target/\*-reports`;
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion examples/storm-starter/pom.xml
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Expand Up @@ -142,7 +142,6 @@
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion external/flux/flux-core/pom.xml
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion external/flux/flux-examples/pom.xml
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Expand Up @@ -117,7 +117,6 @@
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion external/storm-eventhubs/pom.xml
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Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ApacheLicenseResourceTransformer">
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54 changes: 21 additions & 33 deletions pom.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -215,40 +215,28 @@


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