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Fix attachment download check
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tagavari committed Jun 29, 2022
1 parent 3716635 commit 0d46a22
Showing 1 changed file with 83 additions and 81 deletions.
164 changes: 83 additions & 81 deletions AirMessage/Connection/ConnectionManager.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -579,98 +579,100 @@ class ConnectionManager {

//Assemble and filter attachments
let messageAttachments = conversationItems
.compactMap { $0 as? MessageInfo }
.flatMap { message in
message.attachments.filter { attachment in
attachmentsFilter?.apply(to: attachment, ofDate: ?? true
if let attachmentsFilter = attachmentsFilter {
let messageAttachments = conversationItems
.compactMap { $0 as? MessageInfo }
.flatMap { message in
message.attachments.filter { attachment in
attachmentsFilter.apply(to: attachment, ofDate:
for attachment in messageAttachments {
//Make sure the file exists
guard let attachmentURL = attachment.localURL,
FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: attachmentURL.path) else {

//Try to normalize the file
let fileURL: URL
let fileType: String?
let fileName: String
let fileNeedsCleanup: Bool
if let normalizedDetails = normalizeFile(url: attachmentURL, ext: attachmentURL.pathExtension) {
fileURL = normalizedDetails.url
fileType = normalizedDetails.type
fileName =
fileNeedsCleanup = true
} else {
fileURL = attachmentURL
fileType = attachment.type
fileName =
fileNeedsCleanup = false

//Clean up
defer {
if fileNeedsCleanup {
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: fileURL)
for attachment in messageAttachments {
//Make sure the file exists
guard let attachmentURL = attachment.localURL,
FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: attachmentURL.path) else {

//Try to normalize the file
let fileURL: URL
let fileType: String?
let fileName: String
let fileNeedsCleanup: Bool
if let normalizedDetails = normalizeFile(url: attachmentURL, ext: attachmentURL.pathExtension) {
fileURL = normalizedDetails.url
fileType = normalizedDetails.type
fileName =
fileNeedsCleanup = true
} else {
fileURL = attachmentURL
fileType = attachment.type
fileName =
fileNeedsCleanup = false

//Read the file
var fileResponseIndex: Int32 = 0
do {
let compressionPipe = try CompressionPipeDeflate(chunkSize: Int(CommConst.defaultFileChunkSize))

let fileHandle = try FileHandle(forReadingFrom: fileURL)
//Clean up
defer {
if fileNeedsCleanup {
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: fileURL)

var doBreak: Bool
repeat {
doBreak = try autoreleasepool {
//Read data
var data = try fileHandle.readCompat(upToCount: Int(CommConst.defaultFileChunkSize))
let isEOF = data.count == 0

//Compress the data
let dataOut = try compressionPipe.pipe(data: &data, isLast: isEOF)

//Make sure the client is still connected
guard client.isConnected.value else { return true }

//Build and send the request
do {
guard let dataProxy = dataProxy else { return true }
//Read the file
var fileResponseIndex: Int32 = 0
do {
let compressionPipe = try CompressionPipeDeflate(chunkSize: Int(CommConst.defaultFileChunkSize))

let fileHandle = try FileHandle(forReadingFrom: fileURL)

var doBreak: Bool
repeat {
doBreak = try autoreleasepool {
//Read data
var data = try fileHandle.readCompat(upToCount: Int(CommConst.defaultFileChunkSize))
let isEOF = data.count == 0

var packer = AirPacker()
packer.pack(int: NHT.massRetrievalFile.rawValue)
//Compress the data
let dataOut = try compressionPipe.pipe(data: &data, isLast: isEOF)

packer.pack(short: requestID)
packer.pack(int: fileResponseIndex)
//Make sure the client is still connected
guard client.isConnected.value else { return true }

//Include extra information with the initial response
if fileResponseIndex == 0 {
packer.pack(string: //Original file name
packer.pack(optionalString: fileName) //Converted file name
packer.pack(optionalString: fileType) //Converted file type
//Build and send the request
do {
guard let dataProxy = dataProxy else { return true }

var packer = AirPacker()
packer.pack(int: NHT.massRetrievalFile.rawValue)

packer.pack(short: requestID)
packer.pack(int: fileResponseIndex)

//Include extra information with the initial response
if fileResponseIndex == 0 {
packer.pack(string: //Original file name
packer.pack(optionalString: fileName) //Converted file name
packer.pack(optionalString: fileType) //Converted file type

packer.pack(bool: isEOF) //Is last message

packer.pack(string: attachment.guid) //Attachment GUID
packer.pack(payload: dataOut) //Data

dataProxy.send(message:, to: client, encrypt: true, onSent: nil)

packer.pack(bool: isEOF) //Is last message

packer.pack(string: attachment.guid) //Attachment GUID
packer.pack(payload: dataOut) //Data
fileResponseIndex += 1

dataProxy.send(message:, to: client, encrypt: true, onSent: nil)
//Break if we reached the end of the file
return isEOF

fileResponseIndex += 1

//Break if we reached the end of the file
return isEOF
} while !doBreak
} catch {
LogManager.log("Failed to read / compress data for mass retrieval attachment file \(fileURL.path) (\(attachment.guid)): \(error)", level: .notice)
} while !doBreak
} catch {
LogManager.log("Failed to read / compress data for mass retrieval attachment file \(fileURL.path) (\(attachment.guid)): \(error)", level: .notice)

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