Node.js web client that excercises the AWS SNS & SQS functionality
- app.js = main app & webserver. Launch this
- /controllers = HTTP routes and sns/sqs API functionality
- /config = example aws creds config file and example endpoint override (optional) config file
- /public = stylesheet
- views = main index.ejs
- views/partials = partials for menu navigation, sns and sqs forms
- Create SQS queues
- List SQS queues
- Get queue URL
- Get queue attributes
- Send message to queue
- Get (receive) message from queue
- Delete message from queue
- Purge all messages from queue
- Delete queues
- Set queue attributes (namely policy for SNS subcription)
- Create topics
- Add queue subscription
- Add email subscription
- Send message to topic
- List topics
- Delete topics
- List subscriptions
- Delete subscriptions
Based on code from AWS SQS examples at:\ and
Mark Allen's SNS code here:
CSS template inspired from:
install Node.js:
clone the repo and install modules:
git clone
cd aws-sqs-sns-client
npm install
Copy the configuration details and add your AWS creds.
** please take care and don't commit your creds back to git **
cd config
cp aws-config-sample.json aws-config.json
If you need to route your request to a proxy, or want to route SQS/SNS requests to a local pseudo AWS service (e.g. goaws or localStack) you can override endopoints by creating a aws-override.json config file:
cd config
cp aws-override-sample.json aws-override.json
and edit the endpoints
For IAM user, add group policy = AmazonSQSFullAccess, AmazonSNSFullAccess
run the webserver:
node app.js
point your browser at the local/remoteIP port 3000 to load the HTML forms, click the SNS/SQS buttons to select the required functionality.
For more information on AWS SNS and SQS:
goaws and localstack links: