- Project Overview
- Process Management & Scheduling
- Memory Management
- Page Table Management
- Disk Scheduling
- Security System
This C++ based Operating System simulation implements core OS concepts including:
- Process scheduling
- Memory allocation and management
- Page table operations
- Disk scheduling
- Security and authentication
graph TD
A[User Interface] --> B[Security System]
B --> C[Process Manager]
B --> D[Memory Manager]
B --> E[Page Table]
B --> F[Disk Scheduler]
C --> G[Round Robin Scheduler]
D --> H[First Fit Allocator]
E --> I[Page Allocation]
F --> J[SCAN Algorithm]
Round Robin is a preemptive scheduling algorithm that assigns a fixed time quantum to each process in a circular queue.
[*] --> Ready
Ready --> Running: Process Selected
Running --> Ready: Time Quantum Expired
Running --> Terminated: Process Complete
Terminated --> [*]
- Time Quantum: 2 units
- Process States:
- Ready: Waiting for CPU
- Running: Currently executing
- Terminated: Execution complete
title Round Robin Scheduling (Time Quantum = 2)
dateFormat X
axisFormat %s
section Process 1
CPU Burst :0, 2
Waiting :2, 4
CPU Burst :4, 5
section Process 2
Waiting :0, 2
CPU Burst :2, 4
CPU Burst :5, 6
section Process 3
Waiting :0, 4
CPU Burst :4, 5
CPU Burst :6, 7
void executeRoundRobin() {
while (!readyQueue.empty()) {
Process current = readyQueue.front();
// Execute for time quantum
int executeTime = min(timeQuantum, current.remainingTime);
current.remainingTime -= executeTime;
// Requeue if not complete
if (current.remainingTime > 0) {
First Fit searches from the beginning of memory and allocates the first block that's large enough to accommodate the request.
graph TD
subgraph Memory Blocks
A[Free: 200MB] --> B[Allocated: 300MB]
B --> C[Free: 400MB]
C --> D[Allocated: 100MB]
[*] --> Free
Free --> Allocated: Memory Request
Allocated --> Free: Deallocation
Free --> Split: Large Block
Split --> Allocated: Use First Part
Split --> Free: Remaining Part
=== Memory Map ===
Start Size Status Process
0 200MB Free N/A
200 300MB Allocated Process1
500 400MB Free N/A
900 100MB Allocated Process2
int allocateMemory(int size, string processName) {
for (auto& block : memoryBlocks) {
if (!block.allocated && block.size >= size) {
// Split if necessary
if (block.size > size) {
splitBlock(block, size);
block.allocated = true;
block.processName = processName;
return block.start;
return -1;
Maps virtual page numbers to physical frame numbers, managing memory access and protection.
graph LR
subgraph Virtual Pages
VP1[Page 0]
VP2[Page 1]
VP3[Page 2]
subgraph Page Table
PT1[Entry 0]
PT2[Entry 1]
PT3[Entry 2]
subgraph Physical Frames
PF1[Frame 0]
PF2[Frame 1]
PF3[Frame 2]
VP1 --> PT1 --> PF2
VP2 --> PT2 --> PF1
VP3 --> PT3 --> PF3
struct PageTableEntry {
int frameNumber; // Physical frame number
bool valid; // Is page in memory?
bool dirty; // Has page been modified?
bool referenced; // Has page been accessed?
bool allocatePage(int pageNumber) {
if (freeFrames.empty()) return false;
int frame = freeFrames.back();
pageTable[pageNumber] = {
frame, // frameNumber
true, // valid
false, // dirty
false // referenced
return true;
The disk head moves in one direction servicing requests until it reaches the end, then reverses direction.
graph TD
subgraph Disk Track Layout
T0[Track 0] --> T1[Track 20]
T1 --> T2[Track 40]
T2 --> T3[Track 60]
T3 --> T4[Track 80]
T4 --> T5[Track 100]
style T2 fill:#ff9999
style T4 fill:#ff9999
title "Disk Head Movement (SCAN)"
x-axis [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100]
y-axis "Time" 0 --> 5
line [50, 65, 80, 95, 80, 60, 45, 30]
vector<int> executeSCAN(bool direction = true) {
vector<int> sequence;
vector<int> greater, lesser;
// Sort requests by location
for (int pos : requests) {
if (pos >= currentPosition)
// Build sequence based on direction
if (direction) {
sequence = greater + reverse(lesser);
} else {
sequence = reverse(lesser) + greater;
return sequence;
participant User
participant Security
participant System
User->>Security: Login Request
Security->>Security: Verify Credentials
alt Valid Credentials
Security->>System: Grant Access
System->>User: Show Menu
else Invalid Credentials
Security->>User: Error Message
graph TD
A[User Access Levels] --> B[Guest]
A --> C[User]
A --> D[Admin]
B --> E[View Processes]
C --> E
C --> F[Basic Operations]
D --> E
D --> F
D --> G[System Management]
D --> H[User Management]
struct User {
string username;
string password;
UserRole role;
bool authenticate(string username, string password) {
for (User& user : users) {
if (user.username == username &&
user.password == password) {
currentUser = &user;
return true;
return false;
This comprehensive documentation covers all major algorithms and concepts implemented in the project. Each section includes:
- Theoretical explanation
- Visual representation
- Implementation details
- Example scenarios
Read this and enjoy the project.