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EdgeAuth-Token-Node: Akamai Edge Authorization Token for Node

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npm package

EdgeAuth-Token-Node is Akamai Edge Authorization Token in the HTTP Cookie, Query String and Header for a client. You can configure it in the Property Manager at It's the behaviors which is Auth Token 2.0 Verification and Segmented Media Protection.

EdgeAuth-Token-Node supports for Node.js 4.0+


To install Akamai Edge Authorization Token with npm:

$ npm install akamai-edgeauth --save


const EdgeAuth = require('akamai-edgeauth')
const http = require('http') // Module for the test

var EA_HOSTNAME = ''
var EA_ENCRYPTION_KEY = 'YourEncryptionKey' 
var DURATION = 500 // seconds

// Function just for the simple test
function makeRequest(options, callback) {
    var request = http.request(options, (res) => {
    request.on('error', (err) => {
  • EA_ENCRYPTION_KEY must be hexadecimal digit string with even-length.
  • Don't expose EA_ENCRYPTION_KEY on the public repository.

URL parameter option

// [EXAMPLE 1] Cookie
var ea = new EdgeAuth({
    windowSeconds: DURATION,
    escapeEarly: true
var token = ea.generateURLToken("/akamai/edgeauth")
var options = {
    hostname: EA_HOSTNAME,
    path: '/akamai/edgeauth',
    'Cookie': `${ea.options.tokenName}=${token}`
makeRequest(options, function(res) {
    console.log(res.statusCode) // If pass, it won't response 403 code.

// [EXAMPLE 2] Query string
token = ea.generateURLToken("/akamai/edgeauth")
options = {
    hostname: EA_HOSTNAME,
    path: `/akamai/edgeauth?${ea.options.tokenName}=${token}`
makeRequest(options, function(res) {
  • 'Escape token input' option in the Property Manager corresponds to 'escapeEarly' in the code.
    Escape token input (on) == escapeEarly (true)
    Escape token input (off) == escapeEarly (false)

  • In [Example 2] for Query String, it's only okay for 'Ignore query string' option (on).

  • If you want to 'Ignore query string' option (off) using query string as your token, Please contact your Akamai representative.

ACL(Access Control List) parameter option

// [EXAMPLE 1] Header using *
var ea = new EdgeAuth({
    windowSeconds: DURATION,
    escapeEarly: false
var token = ea.generateURLToken("/akamai/edgeauth/*")
var options = {
    hostname: EA_HOSTNAME,
    path: "/akamai/edgeauth/something",
    headers: {[ea.options.tokenName]: token}
makeRequest(options, function(res) {

// [EXAMPLE 2] Cookie using ACL delimiter
var ea = new EdgeAuth({
    windowSeconds: DURATION,
    escapeEarly: false
var acl = ["/akamai/edgeauth/??", "/akamai/edgeauth/list/*"]
var token = ea.generateURLToken(acl)
var options = {
    hostname: EA_HOSTNAME,
    path: "/akamai/edgeauth/22",
    Cookie: `${ea.options.tokenName}: ${token}`
makeRequest(options, function(res) {
  • ACL can use the wildcard(*, ?) in the path.
  • Don't use '!' in your path because it's ACL Delimiter
  • Use 'escapeEarly=false' as default setting but it doesn't matter turning on/off 'Escape token input' option in the Property Manager


EdgeAuth Class

class EdgeAuth {
    constructor(options) {}
Parameter Description
options.tokenType Select a preset. (Not Supported Yet)
options.tokenName Parameter name for the new token. [ Default: __token__ ]
options.key Secret required to generate the token. It must be hexadecimal digit string with even-length.
options.algorithm Algorithm to use to generate the token. ('sha1', 'sha256', or 'md5') [ Default: 'sha256' ]
options.salt Additional data validated by the token but NOT included in the token body. (It will be deprecated)
options.startTime What is the start time? (Use string 'now' for the current time)
options.endTime When does this token expire? endTime overrides windowSeconds
options.windowSeconds How long is this token valid for?
options.fieldDelimiter Character used to delimit token body fields. [ Default: ~ ]
options.aclDelimiter Character used to delimit acl. [ Default: ! ]
options.escapeEarly Causes strings to be url encoded before being used.
options.verbose Print all parameters.

EdgeAuth's Method

generateURLToken(url) {}
generateACLToken(acl) {}

// both return the authorization token string.
Parameter Description
url Single URL path (String)
acl Access Control List can use the wildcard(*, ?). It can be String (single path) or Array (multi paths)


If you use the Segmented Media Protection behavior in AMD(Adaptive Media Delivery) Product, tokenName(options.tokenName) should be 'hdnts'.


You can use the command with cms-edgeauth.js in your terminal with commander to generate the token.

$ npm install commander --save
$ node cms-edgeauth.js --key YourEncryptionKey --window 5000 --url /hello/world --escape_early

Use -h or --help option for the detail.


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