🔭 Pursuing PhD at UNSW, Sydney
- Thesis title: Development and evaluation of a generalized algorithm for aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrieval over land surfaces using at-sensor signal.
- Project title: Modelling Urban Sprawl Dynamics of Howrah-Kolkata Urban Agglomeration by Semi-Automated Impervious Feature Extraction Techniques Using Multi-Sensor Remotely Sensed Data.
- Investigated the pattern, type and extent of urban growth at the block level in Kolkata Metropolitan region.
- Project title: Modeling Runoff variability and predicted runoff condition of a semi-gauged river basin of Tropical India as a response to climate change and transformed Landuse Landcover (LULC).
- Predicted the runoff responses in future based on predicted climate and various land use land change scenarios.
- Project title: Modeling Runoff variability and predicted runoff condition of a semi-gauged river basin of Tropical India as a response to climate change and transformed Landuse Landcover (LULC).
- Analyzed the past changes in climate and land use land cover and tracked its impact on the runoff response of the basin.
- Thesis title: Site Suitability and Selection for Solid Waste Management of Haldia Development Authority (HDA) region.
- Identified potential sites for disposal of solid wastes in Haldia Development Authority region.
- B.Tech. in Civil engineering (undergraduation): 2013-2017
- M.Tech in Remote Sensing and GIS with specialization in Satellite Image Analysis and Photogrammetry: 2021 - ongoing.
- ArcGIS, Erdas Imagine, QGIS, SWAT, SWAT Cup, Climate Data Operator (CDO), Envi, SNAP
- R, Python