This application shows the capabilities of Watson Assistant and Discovery services to work together to find answers on a given query. In this sample, the Assistant is empty and only calls out to Discovery. It can work with any documents loaded into Discovery that contain certain fields.
This demo is a reworking of a previous one but with an cloud functions back-end and React front-end. Cloud Functions is IBM's "serverless" offering, allowing users to upload functions to the cloud, call them via REST API, and pay only by the millisecond of usage.
Under the hood, there are two components to this app:
- One is the front-end, which is simply static assets (HTML, CSS, and React), it uses CSS with Sass for cleaner, more maintainable source code.
- The other is the Cloud Function actions:
- When the user inputs text, the UI sends the current context and input to the Cloud Function sequence. These are processed by the Watson Assistant service and returned, with an output and new context. The results are sent to the next action.
- The Discovery action checks for a flag from the Watson Assistant output, and if it is present takes the original input and queries the manual with it. If there is no flag, the Watson Assistant results pass through the function unchanged. The Sequence returns the output and updated context back to the UI.
- If you don't already have an IBM Cloud account, you can sign up here
Make sure you have at least 2 services available in your IBM Cloud account.
- Clone (or fork) this repository, and go to the new directory
git clone
cd assistant-with-discovery-openwhisk
Install Node.js (Versions >= 6).
In the root directory of your repository, install the dependencies.
npm install
If you receive the following error during npm install
gyp ERR! stack Error: Python executable "python" is v3.4.3, which is not supported by gyp.
gyp ERR! stack You can pass the --python switch to point to Python >= v2.5.0 & < 3.0.0.
Install Python 2.7.x and set npm to use. e.g.
npm config set python /path/to/python
Skip this section if you have downloaded the app from Watson Console and already have a
Create an instance of the Assistant service and get your credentials:
- Go to the Assistant page in the IBM Cloud Catalog.
- Log in to your IBM Cloud account.
- Click Create.
- Click Show to view the service credentials.
- Copy the
value, or copy theusername
values if your service instance doesn't provide anapikey
. - Copy the
Create an instance of the Discovery service and get your credentials:
- Go to the Discovery page in the IBM Cloud Catalog.
- Log in to your IBM Cloud account.
- Click Create.
- Click Show to view the service credentials.
- Copy the
value, or copy theusername
values if your service instance doesn't provide anapikey
. - Copy the
Create a
in the top-level directory. -
Copy the following credentials into the file, amending for the instance name, url, apikey, and username/password; which can be found on each instance in the IBM Cloud console
file that configures the apikey and url for a Assitant and Discovery service instances
"discovery": [
"name": "Discovery-inst",
"plan": "lite",
"credentials": {
"url": "enterUrl",
"apikey": "enterApiKey",
"iam_apikey_name": "enterApiKeyName"
"conversation": [
"name": "Assistant-inst",
"plan": "free",
"credentials": {
"url": "enterUrl",
"apikey": "enterApiKey",
"iam_apikey_name": "enterApiKeyName"
Run following commands to setup Watson Assistant:
npm run train
Follow the steps here to setup the Discovery instance:
Enter the Discovery details into the app:
Open the .env file
Enter the environment_id, collection_id, and configuration_id for the collection used in Discovery
Install the Openwhisk Command Line Interface.
Download and install the IBM Cloud CLI.
Login by running the following:
ibmcloud login
ibmcloud target --cf
Install jq as a dependency.
Run the provided shell script
to create your OpenWhisk actions & sequence. The syntax to do so may vary by system, but for example:
Create an optimized build of your app. During this stage, your environment variable will be inserted into App.js for use by your components.
npm run build
All that's left is to serve your static files locally. You should see the app running in a new tab!
npm start
The app can now answer questions from the documents that were ingested in Discovery.
Licensed under Apache 2.0.