To get the final Peregrine data which consists of enhancer-gene links run the following bash script command.
The above command creates a python3 virtual environment, installs all the requirements, activates the environment and then runs all the python script for eQTL, heirarchical TAD, TAD and ChIA-PET data.
This final data is coming from 4 different data sources.
The above folders contain the data, code and details for each of the data sources.
The exon file has been generated using Data was downloaded from and the file was renamed as exon_file_default.txt. The patch chromosome mapping has been taken from Then the following command is run to get exons_genes.txt which is used in the eQTL code and placed in that folder.
python3 exon_file_default.txt patch_chromosome_mapping.txt exons_genes.txt
The TSSgenesbed has been generated using Data was downloaded from and the file was renamed as TSS_default.txt. Then the following command was run to get TSSgenesbed which is used in TAD and the placed in that folder.
python3 TSS_default.txt patch_chromosome_mapping.txt TSSgenesbed