Azure blob storage proxy for Deno (Deploy)
Start a basic, safe proxy:
import { createProxy } from "";
Above code will require setting env variables azure_account
and azure_key
Start a dev server
deno task dev
By default, only safe HTTP methods (GET
) are
Add support for DELETE
and PUT
import { config, createProxy, del, put } from "azure_blob_proxy/mod.ts";
const { handlers } = config(); // Get default handlers map
handlers.set("PUT", put); // Add (generic) PUT handler
handlers.set("DELETE", del); // Add (generic) DELETE handler
Deno.serve(createProxy(config({ handlers }))); // Inject updated handlers
Bring your own authorization handler (that must return 401
import { users, authHandler } from "…";
auth: async (request) => await authHandler(request, users)
Using POST
to create new blobs requires writing a POST storage handler.
The POST handler must build a path from the request Essentially could be as easy
as providing the default PUT handler with a path
and should return a location
response header with the fresh new resource.
import { put } from "azure_blob_proxy/storage_handlers.ts";
const { handlers } = config();
({ request, storage, container, path }) =>
put({ request, storage, container, path: `text/${crypto.randomUUID()}` }),
); // Add POST handler
Deno.serve(createProxy(config({ handlers })));
See text.ts for a fully working production ready example.
Use env
variables for basic configuration, extends with a
config object.
azure_account="" # Account name
azure_key="" # Account key (or shared access signature)
azure_containers="" # Optional. Comma-separated list of allowed containers
const options = {};
Available options:
export type AzureBlobProxyOptions = {
account: string; // Azure storage account name
key?: string; // Azure account key
containers: Set<string>; // Allowed containers
suffix: string; // Azure URL suffix
handlers: Map<string, StorageHandler>; // HTTP method handlers
fallback?: Handler; // Fallback request handler
auth?: Handler; // Brin your own authorization request handler
See imports.json, but shootout to itte1/azure_storage_client