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{relay} is an R package for tracking workflows and their content. The method invokes the idea of a relay, where a baton is created, passed, and grabbed. The batons are S3 class objects with an associated YAML file which contain metadata (internal details from system) and content (workflow details from user). Each section of the relay ends in a pass_baton(), which marks both the section as being completed successfully and allowing user-specific details to be added as content for tracking. A subsequent grab_baton() starts the process over again. The relay can end when the baton is dropped (i.e. drop_baton()). {relay} operates linearly and does support parallel/concurrent access to batons.


Additional details will be provided in vignettes; however, the information below should provide enough introduction.


There are an abundance of solutions for workflow management, such as Apache AirFlow and targets. {relay} does not provide as robust a framework as these other resources but it does provide a flexible method to track content and evaluate workflow health. Options designed specifically for workflow logging and tracing are also available in packages such as loggit, futile.logger, and lumberjack. It is possible to use these in conjunction with, or possibly as an alternative to, {relay}.

The original purpose of {relay} was to provide an easy method for scheduled RMarkdown files to be tied together without having to use entirely new tools. The rationale made sense for our group when considering the expertise of the team and the amount of support IT could provide. {relay} provides a way for otherwise independent scripts to communicate through a saved baton. For example, using RStudio Connect or similar resource, a set of queries that take several hours can be scheduled throughout the day; a downstream process for processing and report generation accesses this content. {relay} can provide a way to evaluate the health of the query process prior to running any subsequent step. Although in this example, the processing step could pull the queries directly, there are benefits in having the data pre-fetched.

There are other use-cases as well; in the simplest case one can create_baton() specifically to track content from a self-contained workflow. The content could include the time the particular code, and objects it possible created, was run and any customized information one would want to store persistently such as the final location and time an output was saved. Similar success can be achieved by using simple printed text files, time-stamped files, and the like; however, {relay} provides a framework for consistency.


For more complex workflows, one method is to create bundled content that passes through checkpoints. Several helper-functions in {relay} assist in this approach. Building from the prior example, one may start with a folder that serves as a staging area for all of a workflows dependent data; let us call this the \raw folder. A baton tracks content that should exist in \raw. A downstream process responsible for processing will leverage \raw and its baton, let us call this folder \bundle-raw. We create this folder with a helper function create_bundle(), or manually if preferred, perhaps containing a new sub-folder called .\processed and another called .\raw which is a copy of content from the original \raw. The baton associated with the data queries can be grabbed for inspection. Based upon the metadata and content of the baton, the processing step may halt or proceed, the conditions of success are up to you. However, if the baton was never passed, the metadata in the YAML file will have a key-value of passed: no. This should be a clear indication that something went terribly wrong in the prior steps. Assuming the processing steps can start, the bundle will be updated with new content and the baton passed again with any new content for tracking. If this is the final step in the relay, the baton can be dropped and moved into the bundle as a quick way to inspect health of the content and how it was processed. The content included is up to the user!

There are some benefits in bundling data, code, and metadata in a single location. For one, it allows the entire piece to be zipped and shared as a reproducible environment. Typically, common practice dictates that a fresh query is preferable to data copies. However, sometimes there is preference for static copies so exact reports can be regenerated with minor tweaks in a reproducible way. This is usually easy when the number of data sources is small and on a similar schedule; it becomes exceedingly complex when there are 10+ data sources, custom look-up tables, which all get updated at different times. At this point, bundling all the content in one place may be easier. There are many alternatives to this, which will often be better suited. Regardless, {relay} can still be helpful whether or not bundles are being used as it really is just a method to track content.


A benefit for {relay} is that is links to a YAML file and not just R objects. This means any software that can parse YAML files could use this information created from the R workflow. One can then conceive of workflows that may start in R and then inspected by and continued in python.


{relay} is hosted on github only at this time.

# Install

Minimal example

First Process

Create the baton, and after the workflow process, the baton_content will check to see if specific datasets are present and the time they were created when the baton was in the relay.

# Load

# Create initial baton in workflow
work_loc <- '/my/fav/loc'
my_baton <- create_baton(loc = work_loc)

# Workflow...
# .
# ..
# ...

# Create content for baton to carry
data_manifest <- c('dataset1.sas7bdat', 'dataset2.csv', 'lookup1.xlsx')
baton_content <-  list(datasets = list(names = data_manifest,
                                      existence = map_lgl(data_manifest, ~file.exists(paste0(work_loc, '/', .))),
                                      creation_times = map_chr(data_manifest,
                                                               ~as.character(, '/', .))$ctime))))

# Pass content to baton at end of script
my_baton <- pass_baton(my_baton, content = baton_content)

Second process

Grab the baton from the initial process, and perform a checkpoint before proceeding. Batons are created with a specific convention by default so they should be easy to find by a pattern. For the most recent baton, a filter by creation date can be done. However, since the first section of the name includes their time-stamp, the earliest one should be first in the list. The checks performed can be performed within tryCatch() to determine specific types of output to be generated if the check fails.

# Grab baton
work_loc <- '/my/fav/loc'
my_baton <- grab_baton(loc = file.path(work_loc, locate_batons(work_loc)[1])

# Perform checks to determine what following steps are performed
            my_baton$metadata$passes_completed == 1, 
            all(my_baton$content$datasets$creation_times > Sys.Date()-1))

# Workflow continues...
# .
# ..
# ...  

Plot a timelapse of the baton


Locate batons

As a workflow grows, it may become more difficult to find where they are in the R environment or on the file system. It is recommended to use locate_batons() for this purpose. This also allows the user to define which relay_type to search for. This could be important if you have a mix of testing batons mixed in with ones being actively used.

# Location on file system that has baton objects saved
work_loc <- '/my/fav/loc'

# Get list from location of interest, exclude all test batons
baton_2_load <- locate_batons(work_loc, relay_type = 'COMPETITION')

# Examine information, slice top
baton_2_load_info <-
baton_2_load <- baton_2_load[1]

# Load the baton of interest
my_baton <- grab_baton(loc = baton_2_load)

Examine baton

There are several helper functions to make it easier to examine contents of a baton, either within the R session or through the connection to the persistent YAML file.

# Within R session
read_metadata(my_baton, subset = c('pass_complete', 'relay_type', 'relay_start', 'relay_finish'))

# If from YAML
read_metadata(loc = 'path/to/baton.yml')
## $pass_complete
## [1] TRUE
## $relay_type
## $relay_start
## [1] "2023-04-28 15-13-26"
## $relay_finish
## [1] "2023-04-28 15-13-33"

For functions such as summary and plot, one may not want to load the baton directly. However, since these functions require a specific class to operate, one can not simply just read the YAML file. Instead, we can use the preview_baton() constructor and pass this to the appropriate generics.



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