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FlightHub GUI


  1. Ensure Ruby version as specified in .ruby-version is installed

  2. PostgreSQL 9+ installed and running. The following should achieve this for a CentOS machine:

    Tested using v9.2 on CentOS 7

    2.1. Install using yum install postgresql

    2.2. Configure PostgreSQL like the following:

    postgresql-setup initdb
    sudoedit `/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf`
    # Change entries in `METHOD` column to 'trust' and then save the file
    systemctl start postgresql
  3. Ensure Node.js v8.12 is installed

  4. Yarn installed

    4.1. Install repo using curl -sL -o /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo

    4.2. Install yarn itself using yum install yarn

  5. Install and configure Flight Terminal Service as described here

  6. Clone this repo using git clone

  7. Copy the example environment variables file using cp '.env.example' '.env'

  8. Edit .env as required to use valid environment variables. Some of these are only important for specific environments.

  9. Install gems with bundle install

  10. Prepare the database

    10.1. Create DB RAILS_ENV=production bin/rails db:create

    10.2. Load schema RAILS_ENV=production bin/rails db:schema:load

    10.3. Run database migrations RAILS_ENV=production bin/rails db:migrate

    10.4. Run data migrations RAILS_ENV=production bin/rails data:migrate

  11. Precompile assets using rake assets:precompile

  12. Launch server using bin/rails -s -p 80 -e production

  13. Access the application at its public IP and login using the username and password of configured PAM user