in this project we exploited the turtlebot3 burger robot understanding how to make it able to autonomously plan, navigate and localize itself by using the Robotics Operating System (ROS).
At the beginning, we set Gazebo and RViz to simulate the physical behavior of the robot and to start the visualization of what it sees through its sensors. In order to run it, do the following command in the project folder
source the package installation folder
source devel/setup.bash
and then start the task as
roslaunch first_task first_task.launch
After we have set Gazebo and RViz, we run the SLAM algorithm and the explore node in order to
make the robot moving around the environment to build the map.
To launch the second task use the following command
roslaunch second_task second_task.launch
then, the robot starts moving around building the map of the house.
Supposing that the map is known, now the robot must localize itself without any prior knowledge on
where it is exactly. In order to do that, we run the generalized montecarlo localization algorithm and the global localization
services to spread particles all over the map.
To run the nodes use the following command
roslaunch third_task third_task.launch
Now, we have to run the send_goal node. In order to do that, we have to open the python executable in
the specific package.
By using the command
roscd send_goal/src
now we are inside the package.
Then, to run the executable just digit
When the robot has finally localized itself in the map, we launch the last nodes to sanitize the rooms.
The environment is the same of the previous task, but with the following commands
roscd fourth_task/src
the robot start moving to sanitize the selected rooms by visualizing the results in an OccupancyGrid.