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Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Rules
    1. Setup
    2. Gameplay
    3. Items
    4. Dracula's Turn
    5. Game End
  3. Development Environment
  4. Building & Flashing
  5. Hardware & BOM
  6. Connecting the Board
  7. Project Overview
  8. Repository Structure
  9. Using the Display
  10. Privacy and Ethical considerations
  11. Issues
  12. Additional Resources

1. Introduction

Welcome to the core repository of dracula, an interactive and collaborative technology enhanced board game of hidden information. In Dracula, players race to track down and defeat Dracula before they are all bitten. On each turn, a player can move to a new room on a castle board, cast light to block Dracula from moving, throw garlic to detect him, and throw holy water to attack him. Each board game piece is RFID tagged to be read by RFID readers in the board. After all players turns, the game's computer uses the RFID information to automate Dracula's actions and display game information to the players using an LCD screen and LEDs, to provide an engaging user experience. Will the players be able to take down Dracula in time?

The majority of our original work can be found in the dracula/src directory (see Repository Structure).

2. Rules

2.1 Setup

The setup is as follows:

  1. The four player meeples are placed in the corner rooms of the board.
  2. The Dracula meeple is placed in the dungeon.
  3. Each player receives one Sunshine token and one Holy Water token, as seen in the table below.

The players start with 5 lives shared among them, and Dracula has 3.

2.2 Gameplay

Beginning with an arbitrary player, on each players turn they may choose to take any of the following actions, in any order:

  1. Move to an adjacent room (at most once).
  2. Throw a garlic into a room (at most 4 times, or the number of garlics remaining that round).
  3. Cast Sunshine in a Bottle, ending the players turn.
  4. Throwing holy water into a room, ending the players turn.

A player may also choose to take no actions and receive an extra item (Sunshine or Holy Water) of their choosing. A player's turn is over when they press the confirm turn button.

2.3 Items

Items can be used in the player's current room, or any adjacent room .To use an item, place it on the reader in the desired room. The item may be left there until the end of the round, or moved to make space for a new token.

Item Finite Description
Garlic Four per round (any players) When placed on a room the player is in or adjacent to, checks if dracula is in the room.
Sunshine in a Bottle Yes Illuminates a room with bright sunlight until the end of Dracula's turn. If a room becomes illuminated Dracula must immediately leave the room, and cannot enter again until after his turn. He must leave through a doorway other than the one that the sunshine was thrown through.
Holy water Yes If holy water is thrown into a room with Dracula in it, he takes 1 point of damage.

2.4 Dracula's Turn

Dracula takes his turn after all four player turns have finished. He can move up to three rooms in one turn. If - at any point during his turn - he is in the same room as a player he may bite that player, causing the player team to lose a life and the bitten player to lose their next turn. Fortunately, Dracula doesn't like spoiled food, so he'll wait at least one turn to bite a player for a second time. He may bite as many players as he likes in a single turn.

If Dracula was hit by holy water during a player's turn he may still move, but cannot bite until the end of the round.

2.5 Game End

The player team wins if Dracula runs out of lives. Dracula wins if he bites the players a total of five times.

3. Development Environment

Only windows and linux are supported (not apple architecture).

Firstly, download the required programs for the development environment:

  • VSCode - Our selected integrated development environment.
  • WSL - Required for running docker on windows machines.
  • Docker - Used to support the development environment across multiple platforms, and ensures the toolchain is not required locally.
  • usbip - Used to forward usb connections to docker in windows wsl development environments.
  • VSCode Extensions. Most critically are:
    • C/C++ for C syntax highlighting and intellisense.
    • Dev Containers for supporting docker dev-containers.
    • More are recommended when opening the repository in VSCode.

The microcontroller used in this project is an STM32L432KC on the Nucleo-L432KC development board. Specifics about these boards are not required, other than the pinout configuration on the development board for connecting wires together.

To get started, use a micro USB to USB cable to plug the development board into your computer. If you do not have a USB type A port on your computer, you must use a dongle adaptor. The device should flash red to indicate it is powered, but the USB communication chip is not receiving any data.


Windows users will need to forward USB connections to wsl.

  • Open a command terminal by search for "Command Prompt" or your favourite terminal program.
  • Run usbipd list to list the current USB devices.
  • This should reveal a device with a name prefixed with "ST-Link". Note down the matching BUSID, that are two numbers separated by a dash.
  • Run usbipd attach -b <bus_id> --wsl. For example, for a bus id of "4-1" you would run usbipd attach -b 4-1 --wsl. This may require adminstrator permissions. Ensure the bus id is typed correctly, matches the ST-Link device, and the device is plugged in.
  • The usb device should now be forwarded to docker.

Open the repository folder in VSCode, then reopen the folder in the docker development container. To do so either click the pop-up "Reopen folder in container" on the bottom right or press F1, type "Dev Containers: Reopen in Container" and press enter. This will build the development container using the VSCode devcontaner specification at /.devcontainer/devcontainer.json and the corresponding /.devcontainer/dockerfile, and may take up to 30 minutes to complete depending on download speed. Once completed, the folder will reopen in the development environment.

4. Building & Flashing

This project is built using the Zephyr real time operating system and development framework. Not only does Zephyr provide an abstraction layer for interfacing with the microcontroller, it also provides building and flashing utilities. In this project, building, flashing and other repetitive tasks are automated using VSCode tasks. All the tasks are defined in the /.vscode/tasks.json and require the project to be opened the devcontainer. Note that these tasks call scripts under /scripts that can be run from a command line to support developers that have a local Zephyr installation and would rather use another environment such as vim. To run a task, press F1, type "Tasks: Run Task" and select one from the drop down list.

  • To build the project, run the "Build" task.
  • To clean the build, run the "Clean" task.
  • To flash a built project to the microcontroller, run the "Flash" task.

5. Hardware & BOM

The full bill of materials for the electronics is as follows:

Component Link # Individual Cost Total Cost
Microcontroller Nucleo-L432KC 1 16.27$ (Digikey) 16.27$
Display Waveshare 2.42inch OLED Module 1 22.60$ (Core Electronics) 22.60$
LED Strip W2812 RGB LED Strip 2m 1 19.60$ (Core Electronics) 19.60$
RFID Tags NTAG213 25mm Coin RFID Tag 16 1.49$ (Core Electronics) 23.84$
RFID Sensor PiicoDev RFID Module 22 8.59$ (Core Electronics) Bulk 188.98$
RFID I2C Bus 200mm PiicoDev Cable 200mm 14 1.06$ (Core Electronics) 14.84$
RFID I2C Bus 500mm PiicoDev Cable 500mm 6 1.4$ (Core Electronics) 8.40$
RFID Sensor I2C Breakout PiicoDev Adaptor for Breadboards 6 2.61$ (Core Electronics) 15.66$
RFID I2C Multiplexer TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer 1 13.05$ (Core Electronics) 13.05$
Piezo Buzzer Piezo Buzzer 1 0.46$ (Core Electronics) 0.46$
Battery LiPo Battery 2000mAh 1 17.55$ (Core Electronics) 17.55$
Battery Management 5V Supply SparkFun LiPo Charger/Booster - 5V/1A 1 28.35$ (Core Electronics) 28.35$
3.3V Stepdown SparkFun BabyBuck Regulator Breakout - 3.3V 1 7.30$ (Core Electronics) 7.30$
PWM 5V Logic Level Shifter for LED Strip Logic Level Converter BiDirectional 1 3.05$ (Core Electronics) 3.05$
Power Switch Rocker Switch (SPST) 1 0.85$ (Core Electronics) 0.85$
Player Switch 16mm Panel Mount Momentary Pushbutton - Red 1 1.91$ (Core Electronics) 1.91$
Male-Female Jumpers Jumper Wire 20cm Ribbon M/F 1 3.95$ (Core Electronics) 3.95$
Male-Male Jumpers Male to Male Jumper Wires 1 7.30$ (Core Electronics) 7.30$
Male Headers Male Headers 2.56mm 2 0.35$ (Core Electronics) 0.70$
Breadboard Breadboard - Mini Modular (Red) 4 2.75$ (Core Electronics) 5.5$
Shipping 10.20$
Total Cost 410.36$

The main microcontroller is an STM32L432KC on the Nucleo-L432KC used as the main board for the system.

6. Connecting the Board

The development board pins can be seen below:


The black button opposite the micro USB port is the reset button.

6.1 Display

Connect the following:

Wire Colour Display Function Port Configured As Board Pin
Blue Data In PA7 SPI1 MOSI A6
Yellow Clock PA1 SPI SCK A1
Orange Chip Select PB0 SPI_NSS D3
Green Data / Command PA4 GPIO A3
White Reset PA0 GPIO A0
Red Power - 3.3V Vin
Black Ground - 0V GND

6.2 Button

The button is expected to be on this pin:

Port Configured As Board Pin

Connect this pin to 3.3V through the button, and to GND through a 10kΩ pull-down resistor.

6.3 RFID

Connect the TCA9548A multiplexer to the board:

TCA9548A Pin Function Port Configured As Board Pin
VIN Power - 3.3V 3V3
GND Ground - 0V GND
SDA I2C data PB7 I2C1 SDA D4
SCL Clock PB6 I2C1 SCL D5
RST Reset - GND
A0 Address select - GND
A1 Address select - GND
A2 Address select - GND

For every bank of 4 RFID readers, connect it to one of the ports on the TCA9548A as follows:

RFID Pin Function TCA9548A Pin
GND Ground GND
3.3V Power VIN
SDA I2C data SDX (For some bus number X)
SCL Clock SCX (Same bus number as above)


Make sure readers connected to the same port have different I2C addresses from each other; i.e. set the dip switches in different positions. Since the PiicoDev modules support only 4 addresses, 4 is the maximum number of readers per port.

Additionally, connect the buzzer to the board like this:

Buzzer pin Function Port Board Pin
Positive Buzzer PA8 D9
Negative Ground - GND

In the app.overlay device tree, configure the rfid nodes in the &rfid_mux tree. For example:

rfid_mux: mux@70 {
	reg = <0x70>;

	mux_i2c@0 {
		reg = <0>;

		rfid@2c {
			reg = <0x2c>;
			bearsink,room = "NHALL";

		rfid@2d {
			reg = <0x2d>;
			bearsink,room = "TOMB";

		rfid@2e {
			reg = <0x2e>;
			bearsink,room = "GUARDEDWAY";

	mux_i2c@1 {
		reg = <1>;

		rfid@2c {
			reg = <0x2c>;
			bearsink,room = "ALLEY";

		rfid@2d {
			reg = <0x2d>;
			bearsink,room = "BONEPIT";


Many device tree properties are omitted from the above example for brevity's sake, but are necessary for proper functioning. See the actual app.overlay source for details.

The mux_i2c@X nodes represent SDX/SCX pin pairs on the TCA9548A. The X in the node name and the reg = <X>; property must be set to the port number of the pins.

These nodes can then each contain up to four rfid@XX nodes, representing RFID readers. The XX in the node name and the reg = <0xXX>; property must be set to the I2C bus address of the reader, as set by the dip switches.

Then, in the rfid@XX nodes, set the bearsink,room property to the room name (as in enum RoomName value corresponding to the room each reader represents

7. Project Overview

There five top level components:

  • RFID Sensors - The driver provides the information about each sensor and any tokens placed on top of them. This is implemented at rfid.cpp / rfid.h. The RFID library at MFRC522_I2C.cpp is from arozcan/MFRC522-I2C-Library and has been adapted to use Zephyr APIs.
  • LED Strip - Used to display user.
  • OLED Display - Provides complex information to the users and information unable to be conveyed by the LEDs or through game mechanics. Implemented by display.c / display.h.
  • Dracula AI - Determines the move that Dracula makes.
  • Game Logic - Combines the other components together with game logic including condition checks and logical game flow. Implemented by dracula.h / dracula.c.

The entrypoint to the game logic is located at dracula/src/main.c.

8. Repository Structure

The majority of our original work is contained in the assets/, dracula/, and prototypes/ directories.

  • .devcontainer
    • devcontainer.json - Development container configuration file.
    • dockerfile - Dockerfile defining the zephyr development environment.
    • - Script run in every terminal connecting to the devcontainer.
  • .vscode
  • assets - Resources files that are not including directly in code.
    • display - PNG files to convert to memory buffers for the display driver.
  • dracula - Project files and source code.
    • prj.conf - KConfig file that defines the enabled peripherals and microcontroller options. All available options can be found here.
    • CMakeLists.txt - CMake file defining the source files (globbed from src) and zephyr as a project dependancy.
    • app.overlay - A DeviceTree overlay file that defines and configures the microcontroller hardware including SPI, I2C, GPIO and PWM, to communicate with display, rfid and led strip.
    • src - Source code for the project. This directory contains the large majority of our original work.
  • prototypes - Prototypes of AI and game logic, not compiled for or sent to the board.
    • debug - A version of the C game logic that uses the ai and room code that is loaded onto the device, but does IO in the terminal. Useful for debugging the ai.
    • python - Some python prototyping of the game rules.
    • quantum_dracula - The Haskell prototype of the Quantum Dracula ai.
  • scripts
    • - Builds the source file.
    • - Deletes the build folder of the last compilation.
    • - Converts PNG files to memory buffers able to be written to the display in code.
    • - Flashes the board with the most recent build.
    • - Autoformats source files.
    • - To be run inside the container after running because setup requires advanced privileges, to allow debugging.
    • - Connects to the serial port on the development board to monitor system logs.
    • - Initialises zephyr environment variables from the SDK location.
    • - Automated script to detect and attach the to microcontroller communications.
    • -
  • .gitattributes - Ensures source files and bash scripts maintain linux LF line endings.
  • .gitignore - Ignore file for C and python to prevent build files being committed to git.
  • - Project documentation.

9. Using the Display

The display has 8 rows, each with 128 columns. Each row is 8 pixels tall, and each of the 8 bits in a byte written to the display sets the 8 pixel states from LSB to MSH at a given row and column.

Since creating data buffers for such a structure is difficult by hand, A python script is supplied under scripts/ that takes a png file and produces a memory buffer usable with the dracula/src/display.h API.

The first step is to design a png file suitable for the display. The PNG requires:

  • The maximum pixel dimensions must be 64 pixels high, 128 pixels wide.
  • The height of the png must be a multiple of 8, since the display writes pixel data in sets of 8.
  • Since the OLED pixels can only be on or off, only pure black white images should be converted.


The produced buffer should not be stored in global static memory, that would use up valuable RAM. Instead, each buffer should be defined in it's own function, and therefore retrieved from program memory when required.

10. Privacy and Ethical considerations

10.1 Data Security and Privacy

The only user data collected by the game board is the specific moves made by players in the context of a game. This data is not personally-identifying information, and is stored exclusively in volatile memory, so is erased when the power switch is flipped off.

The RFID tokens, being the only loose parts, are susceptible to being lost by players, which would make the game unplayable were they to lose e.g. a player token. This is why the tokens use the standard NDEF format to store data. Players can reprogram tokens, or create new tokens, using any NFC tag reader/ writer (for example, a smartphone app). See the code that reads tokens in rfid.cpp.

Since the tokens encode URLs, they can also be scanned by players' phones to take them to this repository. This is facilitated by a static redirect server, and players' IP addresses and User Agent strings are shared with this redirect server and with GitHub (after the redirect). Given this process occurs for every website they visit, we do not believe this poses any additional risk to users.

10.2 Ethics

An ethical product should be as accessible as possible. This game aims to be as accessible as possible in a few ways:

  • Avoidance of text: The game avoids communicating important information by text as much as possible, to make it accessible to players of varying literacy. This includes (for example) younger players.
  • Multi-sensory feedback: The game provides both visual and auditory feedback for player actions, increasing accessibility for players of low vision and hearing. The game's core interactions were also designed to avoid the need to see small details.
  • Colour palette: The game's colour palette was selected to be visually distinctive to players with all three types of colourblindness.

11. Issues

The following are issues that we are currently aware of:

  • If players want to end their turn after moving and without using a resource, they have to press the end turn button twice.

12. Additional Resources