This plugin allows you to toggle between source and test files in Neovim, making it easy to switch back and forth while developing and testing your code.
use 'aleixab/test-toggle.nvim'
You can configure the plugin to match your project's directory structure and file naming conventions. Here's an example configuration for a Scala project:
src_path_pattern = "src/main/scala/(.+)%.scala$",
src_replace_pattern = "src/test/scala/%1Spec.scala",
test_path_pattern = "src/test/scala/(.+)Spec%.scala$",
test_replace_pattern = "src/main/scala/%1.scala",
This configuration example assumes that your source files are located in the src/main/scala directory and test files in the src/test/scala directory, and that test files are named with a Spec suffix.
You can adjust these patterns according to your project's specific directory structure and naming conventions.
You can map a key to toggle between source and test files. Here's an example of how to set up a keymap:
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>tt', [[<cmd>lua require('test_toggle').toggle_between_source_and_test()<CR>]], { noremap = true, silent = true })
With this keymap, pressing tt will toggle between the source and corresponding test file, based on the configuration provided. If a corresponding file is not found, an error message will be displayed in the command line.