Minimalistic template project to kick start Behavior-driven/Gherkin style End-to-End tests automation, written in Screenplay pattern using cucumberjs
+ protractor
To get started with your own Test Automation Project, you don't need to clone this repo anymore. Just click the
Use this template
button from the top. To learn more about GitHub Template Projects, visit this link.
What's included:
- Gherkin style Features, Backgrounds, Scenarios, Examples with Data tables, and Tags with Hooks to
- Written beyond Page Objects and close enough to Screenplay pattern
- Uses our favorite Todo MVC Web App to demo E2E tests
- Provides an HTML Report with detailed analysis on the test results including screenshots
- Uses
frameworks - Configured to run in
Headless chrome
as well as inSlow-Mo modes
- Uses ptor plugins to wire
configurations - Uses
to support Modernjavascript
on Node - Uses
with recommended rules to enforce consistent code style - Uses
scripts for common operations
If you want to understand how starter kit works or want to debug an issue or build your automation test suite, you'll want to get the source code, build it, and run it locally.
In order to download necessary tools, clone the repo, install dependencies via yarn
, you need internet access.
You'll need the following tools:
- Chrome, version
- Git
- NodeJS, x64, version
- Yarn, version
, follow the installation guide - Python, version 2.7
macOS ships with Python v2.7. Above link is only for contributors that are not on macOS.
- JDK, version
- Visual Studio Code
Recommended extensions are mentioned in the
. This should automatically appear in your Extensions pane once open the code base.
First, fork or create a new repo using the starter template. Then, clone your repo locally.
With VS Code:
- Install and build all the dependencies using
git clone<your-github-account>/todomvc-cucumber-protractor
cd todomvc-cucumber-protractor
- Run
yarn install
to install all the dependencies. - Run
yarn start
to boot the webdriver manager. - Run
yarn test
from a new terminal to run tests.
Occasionally, you will want to merge changes in the upstream repo, the official starter kit repo.
cd todomvc-cucumber-protractor
git checkout master
git pull
Manage any merge conflicts, commit, and then push them to your upstream repo.
- install all project dependencies only.start
- update and run the webdriver manager.test
- run all the tests fast in headless mode, and external tests.reset
- remove temp data, cache, and install everything as needed, then run the webdriver-manager for you.prepare
- update and run webdriver-manager for you.test:fast
- run all the tests fast in headless mode.test:slow
- run all the tests in slow-mo mode.lint
- check for code violations.
├── .vscode/ # VS Code workspace configurations
│ ├── extensions.json
│ ├── launch.json
│ ├── settings.json
│ └── tasks.json
├── actions/ # Contains all Interactions
│ ├── helpers/ # Helper modules and methods
│ │ └── strings.js # Example string manipulator for Todos
│ │
│ ├── questions/ # Questions to ask about the State
│ │ ├── index.js
│ │ └── *.ask.js # Example Questions to ask about the state of the Todo app
│ │
│ └── tasks/ # Steps performed by the Actor
│ ├── index.js
│ └── *.task.js # Example Tasks to interact with the Todo app
├── config/ # Contains all Ptor test configurations
│ ├── config.headless.js # Ptor headless configuration
│ └── config.slowmo.js # Ptor slow-mo configuration
├── docs/ # Contains all documentation
├── features/ # Gherkin style features and scenarios
│ ├── steps/ # Step definition scripts
│ │ └── *.steps.js # Example steps to interact with the Todo app
│ │
│ └── *.feature # Example features and scenarios to play
├── hooks/ # Contains all the hooks for Cucumber
│ ├── capture-screenshot.hook.js # Capture and attache a screenshot when assertion fails
│ └── skip-or-deprecated.hook.js # Skip any scenario if tagged as @skip/@ignore/@deprecated
├── plugins/ # Contains all the Ptor plugins
│ ├── chai-as-promised.plugin.js # Plugin to configure chai and chai-as-promised
│ └── ng-optout-browser.plugin.js # Plugin to configure protractor browser
├── public/ # Public access folder which can be published if needed
│ └── report # Contains all the assets of the test report
│ └── index.html # Main page of the test report
├── .babelrc # Defines presets for Modern Javascript support
├── .eslintignore # Everything that must be excluded from coding styles
├── .eslintrc # Defines javascript coding styles
├── .gitignore # Everything that must be excluded from the git repo
├── .npmrc # Node configurations for workspace
├── package.json # Our javascript and node dependencies
└── # This file!
There are many ways in which you can participate in the project, for example:
- Use this template as a start
- Submit bugs and feature requests, and help us verify as they are checked in
- Review source code changes
- Review the documentation and make pull requests for anything from typos to new content
If you are interested in fixing issues and contributing directly to the code base, please see the Prerequisites and How to build and run from source.
This project has adopted the Contributor Covenant template for Open Source Code of Conduct. This same template is used by over 350,000 open source projects such as Linux, .NET Foundation, Google, and others in their open source projects.
- Ask a question on StackOverflow
- Request a new feature on GitHub
- Up vote popular feature requests
- File an issue
- Follow @alertbox and let us know what you think!
Many of the core components and dependencies live in their own repositories on GitHub. For example, the cucumberjs
and the protractor
have their own repositories. For a complete list, please have a look at the dependencies on the project.json
Thank you to all our Open Collective backers! Become a backer!
Copyright (c) Alertbox Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license.