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alexanderrobitzsch committed Nov 11, 2020
1 parent 6a44dd3 commit 6c01f04
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Showing 11 changed files with 312 additions and 15 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Package: TAM
Type: Package
Title: Test Analysis Modules
Version: 3.6-19
Date: 2020-11-09 20:56:57
Version: 3.6-20
Date: 2020-11-10 21:35:51
Alexander Robitzsch [aut,cre] (<>),
Thomas Kiefer [aut],
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/RcppExports.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
## File Name: RcppExports.R
## File Version: 3.006019
## File Version: 3.006020
# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

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297 changes: 297 additions & 0 deletions R/tam_A_matrix2.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
## File Name: tam_A_matrix2.R
## File Version: 9.167

## function tam_A_matrix2
tam_A_matrix2 <- function( resp, formulaA=~ item + item*step, facets=NULL,
constraint=c("cases", "items"), progress=FALSE, maxKi=NULL, Q=Q )
z0 <- Sys.time()
### redefine facets matrix
facets0 <- facets
NF <- length(facets)
facet.list <- as.list( 1:NF )
names(facet.list) <- colnames(facets)
if (NF==0){ facet.list <- NULL }
if (NF>0){
for (ff in 1:NF){
# ff <- 2
uff <- sort( unique( facets[,ff] ) )
facets[,ff] <- match( facets[,ff], uff )
facet.list[[ff]] <- data.frame(
"facet.label"=paste0( colnames(facets)[ff], uff ),
"facet.index"=paste0( colnames(facets)[ff], seq(1,length(uff) ) ) )
#cat(" +++ v62" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1

### Basic Information and Initializations
constraint <- match.arg(constraint)
if ( is.null(maxKi) ){
maxKi <- apply( resp, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE )

maxK <- max( maxKi )
nI <- ncol(resp)
# cat(" +++ v70" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1

# stop processing if there are items with a maximum score of 0
i11 <- names(maxKi)[ maxKi==0 ]
if ( length(i11) > 0 ){
stop( cat( "Items with maximum score of 0:", paste(i11, collapse=" " ) ) )
tf <- stats::terms( formulaA )
fvars <- as.vector( attr(tf,"variables"), mode="character" )[-1]
#cat("fvars 212") ; print(fvars)
otherFacets <- setdiff( fvars, c("item", "step") )
contr.list <- as.list( rep( "contr.sum", length(fvars) ) )
names( contr.list ) <- fvars
#cat(" +++ v80" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
# ARb: 2013-03-27
# no contrasts for items
nitems <- ncol(resp)
# contr.list[["item"]] <- diag(1,nitems)
# TK: 2014-03-12
# Consider long vector response matrix and "item" in facets input
expand.list <- vector(mode="list", length=0)
if( "item" %in% fvars ) expand.list <- c(expand.list, if("item" %in% names(facet.list)) list(as.factor(sort(unique(facets[,"item"])))) else list(factor(1:nI)) )
if( "step" %in% fvars ) expand.list <- c(expand.list, if("step" %in% names(facet.list)) list(as.factor(sort(unique(facets[,"step"])))) else list(factor(1:maxK)) )
if( length( otherFacets )==1) expand.list <- c(expand.list, list(factor(1:max(facets[, otherFacets]))) )
if( length( otherFacets ) > 1 ) expand.list <- c(expand.list, sapply( otherFacets, FUN=function(ff) as.factor(1:max(facets[, ff])), simplify=FALSE ))

names( expand.list ) <- fvars

#cat(" +++ v100" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
# expand.list <- expand.list[ !unlist( lapply(expand.list, is.null) ) ]

for (vv in seq(1, length(expand.list) ) ){
expand.list[[vv]] <- paste( expand.list[[vv]] )

# cat(" +++ v110" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
g2 <- g1 <- expand.grid(expand.list)
diffK <- ( stats::sd( maxKi) > 1e-10 )
# diffK <- FALSE
diffK <- TRUE
# reduced combinations of items
if (diffK){
I <- length(maxKi)
# g1 <-
for (ii in 1:I){
ind <- which( ( ( as.numeric(paste0(g1$item))==ii ) &
( as.numeric(paste0(g1$step)) > maxKi[ii] ) ) )
if ( length(ind) > 0 ){
g1 <- g1[ - ind, ]
X <- rownames.design2( g1 )
if (diffK){
X2 <- rownames.design2( g2 )

#**** include maxKi (2014-05-30)
# X$maxKi <- maxKi[ X$item ]
# X$par.exist <- 1 * ( as.numeric(paste(X$step)) <=X$maxKi )
### constraints and formulaA
if( constraint=="cases" ) formulaA <- stats::update.formula(formulaA, ~0+.)
NX <- ncol(X)
for (ff in 1:NX){
uff <- length( unique(X[,ff] ) )
if (uff==1){ cat(paste0(" - facet ",
colnames(X)[ff], " does only have one level!" ), "\n") }
# cat(" +++ v120" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
mm <- - stats::model.matrix(formulaA, X, contrasts=contr.list)

if (diffK){
mm2 <- - stats::model.matrix(formulaA, X2, contrasts=contr.list)

# mm <- - model.matrix(formulaA, X )
if( constraint=="items" ){ mm <- mm[,-1] }

###*** ARb 2013-03-28
### generate all interactions
xsi.constr <- .generate.interactions2(X, facets, formulaA, mm )
#cat(" +++ v130" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
### Postprocessing
# model.matrix _ case: step in fvars
if( "step" %in% fvars ){
if( ncol( attr(tf, "factors") )==1 ){
return( warning("Can't proceed the estimation:
Factor of order 1 other than step must be specified.") )
if( all( attr(tf, "factors")["step",] !=1 ) ){
return( warning("Can't proceed the estimation:
Lower-order term is missing.") )

stepgroups <- unique( gsub( "(^|-)+step([[:digit:]])*", "\\1step([[:digit:]])*",
x=rownames(X), perl=TRUE ) )
X.out <- data.frame(as.matrix(X), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#cat(" +++ v150" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
if (progress){
cat(" o Create design matrix A\n")
ip <- length(stepgroups)
VP <- min( ip, 10 )
cat(paste0(" |",paste0( rep("*", VP), collapse=""), "|\n"))
cat(" |") ; utils::flush.console()
if (VP<10){ disp_progress <- 1:ip } else {
disp_progress <- 100* ( 1:ip ) / (ip+1)
disp_progress <- sapply( seq(5,95,10), FUN=function(pp){ # pp <- 5
which.min( abs( disp_progress - pp ) )[1] }

# collect xsi parameters to be excluded
xsi.elim.index <- xsi.elim <- NULL
ii <- 0 ; vv <- 1
for( sg in stepgroups ){
mm1 <- grep(paste0("(", sg, ")+$"), rownames(mm))
ind2 <- grep( paste0("(", sg, ")+$"), rownames(mm)) <- rbind( 0, apply( mm[ ind2,,drop=FALSE], 2, cumsum ) )
if ( is.null(rownames( ){
rownames( <- paste0("rn", seq(0,nrow( )
# substitute the following line later if ...
rownames([1] <- gsub("step([[:digit:]])*", "step0", sg, fixed=TRUE)
# rownames([1] <- gsub("step([[:digit:]])*", "step0", sg, fixed=FALSE, perl=TRUE)
rownames([-1] <- rownames(mm[ind2,,drop=FALSE])
# set entries to zero if there are no categories in data
sg1 <- strsplit( sg, split="-")[[1]]
ii <- as.numeric( gsub("item", "", sg1[1] ) )
maxKi_ii <- maxKi[ii]
if ({
maxKi_ii <- maxK

if ( maxKi_ii < maxK ){
for (kk in (maxKi[ii]+1):maxK){
# kk <- 2
# set rows in A matrix to zero[ grep( paste0( "-step", kk ), rownames( ), ] <- NA
#[ grep( paste0( "-step", kk ), rownames( ), ] <- 0
i1 <- grep( paste0(sg1[1],"\\:" ), colnames(, value=TRUE)
i2 <- grep( paste0(":step", kk-1), colnames(, value=TRUE)
i3 <- intersect( i1, i2 )
if ( length(i3) > 0 ){
xsi.elim <- c( xsi.elim, i3 )
xsi.elim.index <- c( xsi.elim.index,
which( colnames( ) %in% i3 ) )
#[, i3 ] <- NA
#[ ! ([, i3 ] ) ), i3 ] <- 0

#@@@ suggestion Michal Modzelewski[, i3 ][ ! ([, i3 ] ) )] <- 0

} #**** end i3

A <- rbind(A,
if ( maxKi_ii < maxK ){
for (kk in (maxKi[ii]+1):maxK){
vv <- paste0( sg1[1], "-step", kk )
X.out[ grep( vv, rownames(X.out) ), 2 ] <- 0
} <- X.out[grep(sg, rownames(X.out))[1], ][,"step"] <- 0
rownames( <- gsub("step([[:digit:]])*", "step0", sg, fixed=TRUE)
X.out <- rbind(X.out,
progress <- progress & ( ! )
if ( progress ){
ii <- ii+1
if (( ii==disp_progress[vv] ) & (vv<=10) ){
cat("-") ; utils::flush.console()
vv <- vv+1
} # end progress

} # end stepgroups
if ( progress ){
cat("|\n") ; utils::flush.console()
# cat(" +++ v160" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
} else {
# model.matrix _ case: step not in fvars
rownames(mm) <- paste( rownames(X), "-step1", sep="")
A <- mm

for( kk in setdiff(0:maxK, 1) ){
mm.k.temp <- mm*kk
rownames(mm.k.temp) <- paste( rownames(X), "-step", kk, sep="")
A <- rbind(A, mm.k.temp)
#cat(" +++ v170" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
X.out <- expand.grid( c( expand.list, list("step"=factor(0:maxK)) ) )
X.out <- rownames.design2( data.frame(as.matrix(X.out), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) )

}# end step in fvars

# set entries in A to zero for constraints
A[ rowMeans( < 1, xsi.elim ] <- 0

#cat(" +++ v180" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
# facet design <- list( "facets"=facets, "facets.orig"=facets0,
A <- A[ ! duplicated( rownames(A) ), ]

if ( max(apply(resp,2,max,na.rm=TRUE)) > 9 ){
A <- A[order(rownames(A)),,drop=FALSE]
X.out <- X.out[order(rownames(X.out)),,drop=FALSE]

#*** elimination
if ( ! is.null(xsi.elim) ){
xsi.elim <- data.frame( xsi.elim, xsi.elim.index )
xsi.elim <- xsi.elim[ ! duplicated( xsi.elim[,2] ), ]
xsi.elim <- xsi.elim[ order( xsi.elim[,2] ), ]

#--- clean xsi.constr
xsi1 <- xsi.constr$xsi.constraints
xsi.constr$intercept_included <- FALSE
ind <- grep("(Intercept", rownames(xsi1), fixed=TRUE)
if ( length(ind) > 0 ){
xsi1 <- xsi1[ - ind, ]
xsi.constr$xsi.constraints <- xsi1
xsi.constr$intercept_included <- TRUE
xsi1 <- xsi.constr$xsi.table
ind <- grep("(Intercept", paste(xsi1$parameter), fixed=TRUE)
if ( length(ind) > 0 ){
xsi1 <- xsi1[ - ind, ]
xsi.constr$xsi.table <- xsi1

#cat(" +++ out .A.matrix" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
res <- list( "A"=A, "X"=X.out, "otherFacets"=otherFacets, "xsi.constr"=xsi.constr,
"", "xsi.elim"=xsi.elim )

# .A.matrix2 <- tam_A_matrix2
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ The CRAN version can be installed from within R using:

#### GitHub version `TAM` 3.6-19 (2020-11-09)
#### GitHub version `TAM` 3.6-20 (2020-11-10)


The version hosted [here]( is the development version of `TAM`.
The GitHub version can be installed using `devtools` as:
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/404.html

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions docs/authors.html

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/index.html

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/pkgdown.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ pandoc: 1.13.1
pkgdown: 1.5.1
pkgdown_sha: ~
articles: []
last_built: 2020-11-09T20:13Z
last_built: 2020-11-10T20:50Z

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion inst/NEWS
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@

VERSIONS TAM 3.6 | 2020-11-09 | Last: TAM 3.6-19
VERSIONS TAM 3.6 | 2020-11-10 | Last: TAM 3.6-20

FIXED * fixed an issue in tam.linking() if number of maximum
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/RcppExports.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
//// File Name: RcppExports.cpp
//// File Version: 3.006019
//// File Version: 3.006020
// Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
// Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

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