- Laravel v10.38.2
- Laravel Livewire v3.3.3
- Alpine JS v3.13.0
- Tailwind CSS v3.3.3
Learning TALL stack
- composer create-project laravel/laravel bank-tanya
- composer require livewire/livewire laravel-frontend-presets/tall
- php artisan ui tall --auth
- npm install
- php artisan stub:publish
- laravel-frontend-presets/tall#135 (comment)
- php artisan livewire:publish --config
- php artisan optimize && php artisan optimize:clear
- npm run dev
This will Hot Module Replacement. You don't need to access http://localhost:5173/. Just run php artisan serve
then access
- php artisan make:model Question -mc
- php artisan make:model Questioner -mc
- php artisan make:model Answerer -mc
- php artisan make:model QuestionCategory -mc
- php artisan make:model QuestionTag -mc
- Learn Livewire Title attribute
- Convert unnecessary livewires into blade components
- I have no idea what I built so I decided to make a simple QnA platform consisting of all Livewire docs
- I learned:
- Using wire:keys on loops
- wire:model synced with property, but doesn't update lively
- synced with property, and live updates
- Question page: Question title reference -> Stackoverflow