This is a server to collect issues
events from GitHub through webhooks and sent them to HelpScout with the Mailbox API 2.0. To link repositories to mailboxes we use the environment variable HELP_SCOUT_MAILBOXES
. The stucture of the JSON looks like this:
"data": [
"label": "<teamName>",
"mailboxId": "<mailboxId>",
"assignTo": "<assignTo>",
"repositories": [
"label": "<teamName>",
"mailboxId": "<mailboxId>",
"repositories": [
GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET=yourGitHubWebTokenSecret \
HELP_SCOUT_APP_ID=yourHelpScoutAppId \
HELP_SCOUT_APP_SECRET=yourHelpScoutAppSecrect \
yarn start
GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET=yourGitHubWebTokenSecret \
HELP_SCOUT_APP_ID=yourHelpScoutAppId \
HELP_SCOUT_APP_SECRET=yourHelpScoutAppSecrect \
yarn dev
yarn build
yarn test