A microframework that helps to use Swifty JSON with your custom models in a easy and type-safe way
The full motivation and description is here
For the following JSON
"name": "John",
"age": 25,
"isMarried": false,
"height": 170.0,
"address": {
"city": "San-Fransisco",
"country": "USA"
"hobbies": ["bouldering", "guitar", "swift:)"]
to map to the following model:
struct Person {
let name: String
let age: Int
let isMarried: Bool
let height: Double
let city: String
let country: String
let hobbies: [String]?
Instead of the following:
extension Person {
init?(jsonDict: [String: Any]) {
guard let name = jsonDict["name"] as? String,
let age = jsonDict["age"] as? Int,
let isMarried = jsonDict["isMarried"] as? Bool,
let height = jsonDict["height"] as? Double,
let address = jsonDict["address"] as? [String: Any],
let city = address["city"] as? String,
let country = address["country"] as? String
else {
return nil
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.isMarried = isMarried
self.height = height
self.city = city
self.country = country
hobbies = jsonDict["hobbies"] as? [String]
We get the following:
import SwiftyJSONModel
extension Person: JSONModelType {
enum PropertyKey: String {
case name, age, isMarried, height, hobbies
case address, country, city
init(object: JSONObject<PropertyKey>) throws {
name = try object.value(for: .name)
age = try object.value(for: .age)
isMarried = try object.value(for: .isMarried)
height = try object.value(for: .height)
city = try object.value(for: .address, .city) // Accessing nested json
country = try object.value(for: .address, .country) // Accessing nested json
hobbies = try object.value(for: .hobbies)
var dictValue: [PropertyKey : JSONRepresentable?] {
return [
.name: name,
.age: age,
.isMarried: isMarried,
.height: height,
.city: city,
.country: country,
.hobbies: hobbies?.jsonRepresantable,
- Keys are now restricted to the
enum and we will have a compile error if we try to use something different. - Autocomplition will help us navigate through available keys
- The constructor now
which means that the init will fail if some value or it's type was different from what we expected and theError
will tell us exactly which property inJSON
was wrong - The type of the value for key is now inferred from the property we specify. That means we do not need to have all this boilerplate code with casting to
. It will be done for us.
You can use CocoaPods to install SwiftyJSONModel by adding it to your Podfile:
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'SwiftyJSONModel'
Note that this requires CocoaPods version 36, and your iOS deployment target to be at least 8.0:
You can use Carthage to install SwiftyJSONModel by adding it to your Cartfile:
github "alickbass/SwiftyJSONModel"