GeoAI: Artificial Intelligence for Geospatial Data
a project to visualize global weather conditions
Tool for ripping high-resolution imagery and heightmaps from Google Earth Pro
Historical satellite data from Google Earth
An extensible framework for linking databases and interactive views.
PM2.5 IDW Map from PM2.5 open data portal
Converting coordinates between Formats (GeoJSON, KML, GPX, WKT, SHP, TopoJSON)
TIGMINT: OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) GUI software framework
aliencraft1512 / TIGMINT
Forked from TIGMINT/TIGMINTTIGMINT: OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) GUI software framework
Leaflet plugin to add visualisation overlay for wind direction, velocity, and temperature
Visualization of Wind conditions over Nordic and Balitc countries
aliencraft1512 / 3D-Wind-Field
Forked from RaymanNg/3D-Wind-FieldVisualize wind field on Cesium
Convert GIS Raster Datasets to a simple JavaScript Object format
Extract precipitation data from GeoTIFF images using geographic coordinates of climate data stations in Brazil.
GeoExamples blog
Spiderify markers on mapbox-gl
Official implementation of SAM-Med2D
Geospatial data picker via fast Api Rest interface, not only another simple elevation service.
Helper page for finding bbox values from a map to help with interaction with tools like gdal, leaflet, openlayers, etc.
Display GeoTIFFs and soon other types of raster on your Leaflet Map
Techniques for deep learning with satellite & aerial imagery
Convert raster and vector geospatial data to various formats and coordinate systems entirely in the browser.
A Leaflet plugin to render many markers in a canvas instead of the DOM
Leaflet plugin for displaying icons on canvas instead of DOM
With One Function, Load a GeoTIFF from an ArrayBuffer, Blob, Buffer, DataView, File or URL
Static website for viewing and analyzing GeoTIFF's in the browser