This package allows you to easily use Moamalat ligthbox to add payment gateway in your laravel project.
NOTE This is not official library from Moamalat , It is just an open source Library.
- Installation
- Configuration File
- Configuration for testing purpose
- Usage
- Testing
- Security
- Credits
- License
You can install the package via composer:
composer require alifaraun/laravel-moamalat-pay
Laravel Version Compatibility
Laravel | Package | install command |
11.x.x | 5.x | composer require alifaraun/laravel-moamalat-pay "^5.0" |
10.x.x | 4.x | composer require alifaraun/laravel-moamalat-pay "^4.0" |
9.x.x | 3.x | composer require alifaraun/laravel-moamalat-pay "^3.0" |
8.x.x | 2.x | composer require alifaraun/laravel-moamalat-pay "^2.0" |
^7.25.0 | 1.x | composer require alifaraun/laravel-moamalat-pay "^1.0" |
If you want to customize configurations:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="moamalat-pay"
The configuration file moamalat-pay.php is located in the config folder. Following are its contents when published:
return [
| Moamalat Payment Gateway Config
| These options to set your configurations of muamalat
// MID => merchant_id or outlet_number
'merchant_id' => env('MOAMALATPAY_MID'),
// TID => terminal_id
'terminal_id' => env('MOAMALATPAY_TID'),
// Secure key
'key' => env('MOAMALATPAY_KEY'),
// Is key hex
'key_hex' => env('MOAMALATPAY_KEY_HEX', true),
| Production
| If the production is set to "true", you will work on production environment
| otherwise it will use testing environment
'production' => env('MOAMALATPAY_PRODUCTION', false),
| Show
| If the show_logs is set to "true", you will see configurations
| and response of requests in browser console
'show_logs' => false,
| Enable Cancel Event On Success
| If the enable_cancel_event_on_success is set to "true", the cancel event will be triggered even if the payment is successful
'enable_cancel_event_on_success' => true,
| Generate Secure Hash api
| This is service (api) to generate secureHash to be used in pay in Lightbox.
| url is route of api of generate secureHash
| route_name is name of route of api of generate secureHash
'generate-securekey' => [
'url' => 'moamalat-pay/securekey',
'route_name' => 'moamalat_pay.generate_securekey',
| Notification (Webhook) api
| This is service from moamalat on any transaction you will receive notification
| on api (webhook)
| key is your private notification key to use it in validate transaction requests
| url is route to receive notification
| table is name of table that will be used to save notifications
| allowed_ips are ips that will receive notification from them
| ['*'] means receive from any ip but it is not secure to receive notifcations from anyone
| you should ask moamalat on ips of their servers and use them
'notification' => [
'url' => 'moamalat-pay/notify',
'route_name' => 'moamalat_pay.notification',
'table' => 'moamalat_pay_notifications',
'allowed_ips' => ['*'],
set your configurations in .env
Merchant id : 10081014649
Terminal Id : 99179395
Secure key : 3a488a89b3f7993476c252f017c488bb
Card : 6395003016111159
EXP : 02/26
OTP : 111111
// Initialize pay
<x-moamalat-pay />
// when pass amount property, it will show pay form directly
<x-moamalat-pay amount="1000" />
To call it using methods
// Initialize pay
// call pay
// $amount int libyan dirham not dinar
//$reference is optional
app('moamalat-pay')->pay(int $amount,string $reference = '');
To call pay from js amount,string reference = '')
Available events to check if operation success or fail
addEventListener("moamalatCompleted", function (e) {
e.detail; // response data
/* e.detail
"TxnDate": "220822141359",
"SystemReference": "1233114",
"NetworkReference": "223414600869",
"MerchantReference": "1641729671",
"Amount": "10",
"Currency": "434",
"PaidThrough": "Card",
"PayerAccount": "639499XXXXXX0781",
"PayerName": "SS",
"ProviderSchemeName": "",
"SecureHash": "EB085D519BCC0887EA1031939F15DE230991E8C1E8731CD11A6916A5B7FC29D8",
"DisplayData": "",
"TokenCustomerId": "",
"TokenCard": ""
addEventListener("moamalatError", function (e) {
e.detail; // response data
/* e.detail
"error": "CUBEEX5212216:Authentication Failed",
"Amount": "200.031",
"MerchantReferenece": "",
"DateTimeLocalTrxn": "220818232732",
"SecureHash": "1C8B1301AD4C00BE66EC25FD45A81D0C4030C79EF53CA903FA5009ECCAD08D46"
addEventListener("moamalatCancel", function () {});
use MoamalatPay\Transaction;
// get transaction from NPG(moamalat)
$transaction = new Transaction($networkReference, $merchantReference);
// Throws an exception if there is a problem in loading the transaction
/** available methods to interact with transaction **/
* Get all properties of transaction
* @return Array
* Get property of transaction
* @param $property key
* @return mixed
* Get property of reponse , if property not exists return default value
* @param $property
* @param $default
* @return mixed
$transaction->getWithDefault($property, $default = null);
* Get all properties of reponse
* @return Array
* Check status of transaction is Approved
* @param $amount
* @param $card
* @return boolean
$transaction->checkApproved($amount = null, $card = null);
use MoamalatPay\Transaction;
// get transaction from NPG(moamalat)
$transaction = new Transaction("223414600869","1641729671");
/* return
"Amnt" => "10",
"AmountTrxn" => "10",
"AuthCode" => null,
"CardNo" => "639499XXXXXX0781",
"CardType" => "",
"Currency" => "LYD",
"ExternalTxnId" => null,
"FeeAmnt" => "0",
"HasToken" => true,
"ISForceSendCVCForRefund" => true,
"IsMustVoidTotalAmount" => true,
"IsPointTrasnaction" => false,
"IsRefund" => false,
"IsRefundEnabled" => true,
"IsSend" => false,
"MerchantReference" => "1641729671",
"MobileNumber" => null,
"OriginalTxnId" => "",
"RRN" => "223414600869",
"ReceiptNo" => "223414600869",
"RefundButton" => 1,
"RefundReason" => "",
"RefundSource" => "",
"RefundUserCreator" => "",
"RelatedTxnTotalAmount" => null,
"RemainingRefundAmount" => "10",
"ResCodeDesc" => "Approved",
"STAN" => "600869",
"SenderName" => "SS",
"Status" => "Approved",
"TipAmnt" => "0",
"TransType" => "Sale",
"TransactionChannel" => "Card",
"TransactionId" => "1233114",
"TxnDateTime" => "22/08/22 14:13",
"TxnIcon" => 2
// return 639499XXXXXX0781
// return card-not-found
// if transaction status is Approved it will return true
// if transaction is status is Approved , amount=10000 and CardNo=639499XXXXXX0781 it will return true
Notification Services allow merchants to receive notifications whenever a transaction is generated for their accounts
We save all notifications in database with fire events depends on transaction type and status
MoamalatPay\Models\MoamalatPayNotification \\ Eloquent Model
\\ properites
// filter to get approved transactions (ActionCode = 00)
// filter to get verified transactions (verified = 1)
// filter to get transactions for currency terminal_id and merchant_id in config
Example of how to add listener , check laravel documentation for more info
// event will be fired when receive request from ip not exists in allowed_ips in config of moamalat-pay
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\DisallowedRequestEvent $event) {
// event will be fired after check secureHas is unverified
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\UnverfiedTransaction $event) {
$event->notification // Eloquent Model of transaction
// event will be fired after check secureHas is verified
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\VerfiedTransaction $event) {
$event->notification // Eloquent Model of transaction
// event will be fired after check secureHas is verified and transaction status is approved
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\ApprovedTransaction $event) {
$event->notification // Eloquent Model of transaction
// event will be fired after check secureHas is verified and transaction status is approved
// and type of transaction is : 1: Sale
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\ApprovedSaleTransaction $event) {
$event->notification // Eloquent Model of transaction
// event will be fired after check secureHas is verified and transaction status is approved
// and type of transaction is : 2: Refund
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\ApprovedRefundTransaction $event) {
$event->notification // Eloquent Model of transaction
// event will be fired after check secureHas is verified and transaction status is approved
// and type of transaction is : 3: Void Sale
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\ApprovedVoidSaleTransaction $event) {
$event->notification // Eloquent Model of transaction
// event will be fired after check secureHas is verified and transaction status is approved
// and type of transaction is : 4: Void Refund
Event::listen(function (MoamalatPay\Events\ApprovedVoidRefundTransaction $event) {
$event->notification // Eloquent Model of transaction
When the refund is called before settlement (usually settlement at the end of the day), it will be void, otherwise it will be refunded
* Refund transaction by system reference of transaction
* @param string|integer $systemReference
* @param string|integer $amount
* @return array content response of moamalat
app('moamalat-pay-refund')->refundBySystemReference($systemReference, $amount)->getAll()
// Throws an exception if there is a problem in refund the transaction
* Refund transaction by network reference of transaction
* @param string|integer $networkReference
* @param string|integer $amount
* @return array content response of moamalat
app('moamalat-pay-refund')->refundByNetworkReference($networkReference, $amount)->getAll()
// Throws an exception if there is a problem in refund the transaction
/* response : return of getAll() method
"Message": "Approved",
"Success": true,
"ActionCode": null,
"AuthCode": null,
"DecimalFraction": 3,
"ExternalTxnId": null,
"IsEnableRefund": false,
"MerchantReference": null,
"NetworkReference": null,
"ReceiptNumber": null,
"ReceiverAccountNumber": null,
"ReceiverName": null,
"ReceiverScheme": null,
"RefNumber": "1233678", // System reference for the new refund transaction
"SystemReference": 0,
"SystemTxnId": 0,
"TxnDate": null
$r = app('moamalat-pay-refund')->refundBySystemReference("1233114", "10");
// or
$r = app('moamalat-pay-refund')->refundByNetworkReference("223414600869", "10");
// will return instance of MoamalatPay\Refund class
* Get all properties of reponse
* @return array
/* response
"Message": "Approved",
"Success": true,
"ActionCode": null,
"AuthCode": null,
"DecimalFraction": 3,
"ExternalTxnId": null,
"IsEnableRefund": false,
"MerchantReference": null,
"NetworkReference": null,
"ReceiptNumber": null,
"ReceiverAccountNumber": null,
"ReceiverName": null,
"ReceiverScheme": null,
"RefNumber": "1233678", // System reference for the new refund transaction
"SystemReference": 0,
"SystemTxnId": 0,
"TxnDate": null
* Get property of transaction
* @param $property key
* @return mixed
// return Approved
* Get property of reponse , if property not exists return default value
* @param $property
* @param $default
* @return mixed
$r->getWithDefault($property, $default = null);
$r->getWithDefault('Card', 'No Card');
// return No Card
* Get SystemReference of new refund transaction
* @return string|integer
// return 1233678
Run the tests with:
composer test
// or
Run Static Analysis Tool (PHPStan)
composer analyse
// or
./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT)