This is microservice for storing and posting advertisements. Advertisements are stored in a database. The service provide an API that works over HTTP in JSON format.
✅ - Simple instructions for running the service (ideally with the ability to run via docker-compose up, but this is not mandatory); The project can be launched by cloning the repository and running make up.
✅ - Field validation: no more than 3 links to photos, description no more than 1000 characters, title no more than 200 characters.
Details Method for getting a list of advertisements
✅ - Pagination: 10 advertisements should be displayed on one page (this parameter can be configured, currently set to 2).
✅ - Sorting: by price (ascending/descending) and by creation date (ascending/descending).
✅ - Fields in the response: title of the advertisement, link to the main photo (first in the list), price.
Method for getting a specific advertisement
✅ - Mandatory fields in the response: title of the advertisement, price, link to the main photo.
Optional fields (can be requested by passing the "fields" parameter): description, links to all photos. Method for creating an advertisement:
✅ - Accepts all the fields listed above: title, description, several links to photos (the actual photos do not need to be uploaded anywhere), price. ✅ - Returns the ID of the created advertisement and the result code (success or failure).
Additional features
Unit tests: try to achieve test coverage of 70% or higher. ✅ - Containerization: the project can be launched using the docker-compose up command.
The service architecture is described in text and/or diagrams. ✅ - Documentation: there is a structured description of the service methods.