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Alkywall - Virtual Wallet Backend


Alkywall is a virtual wallet backend developed in Java, designed to provide basic banking functionalities to its users. With Alkywall, customers can perform transactions, link both physical and virtual cards, store money in a digital environment, and make online payments.


  • Transactions: Securely transfer money between accounts.
  • Card Management: Associate and manage both physical and virtual cards.
  • Digital Wallet: Store and manage funds in a secure digital environment.
  • Online Payments: Facilitate online purchases and payments.

Getting Started


  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 11 or higher
  • Maven for dependency management


Clone the repository:

git clone
cd BBVA-FS-W4-Back-T1


API Endpoints


  • Register a User

    • POST /auth/register

    Request Body:

      "firstName": "Nombre usuario",
      "lastName": "Apellido usuario",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "1234"
  • Register a User with ADMIN Role

    • POST /auth/register-admin

    Request Body:

      "firstName": "Nombre usuario",
      "lastName": "Apellido usuario",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "1234"
  • Login to the API

    • POST /auth/login

    Request Body:

      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "1234"

Users (Requires ADMIN Role)

  • Get All Users

    • GET /users

    Request Parameters:

    • page (default: 0)
    • size (default: 10)

    Request Body:

        "users": [
            "idUser": 1,
            "firstName": "Nombre",
            "lastName": "Apellido",
            "birthDate": ["aaaa", "mm", "dd"],
            "gender": "MALE/FEMALE/NON_BINARY",
            "documentType": "DNI",
            "documentNumber": "11111111",
            "email": "[email protected]"
        "nextPage": "/users?page=1",
        "prevPage": "",
        "totalPages": 1

    Possible Errors:

    • 406 Not Acceptable:
      • Page number does not exist.
  • Update user by ID

    • PUT /users/{id}

    Request Body:

        "firstName": "Nombre usuario",
        "lastName": "Apellido usuario",
        "birthDate": "aaaa-mm-dd",
        "gender": "MALE/FEMALE/NON_BINARY",
        "documentNumber": "11111111",
        "password": "1234"

    Possible Errors:

    • 400 Bad Request:
      • Password can not be empty.
    • 404 Not Found:
      • User not found.
    • 409 Conflict:
      • Logged user does not match the received ID
  • Delete user by ID

    • DELETE /users/{id}

    Possible Errors:

    • 400 Bad Request:
      • Cannot delete user because you do not have admin permission.
    • 404 Not Found:
      • User authenticated not found.
      • User about to be deleted not found.
  • Get User by ID

    • GET /users/{id}

    Request Body:

      "idUser": 1,
      "firstName": "Nombre",
      "lastName": "Apellido",
      "birthDate": ["aaaa", "mm", "dd"],
      "gender": "MALE/FEMALE/NON_BINARY",
      "documentType": "DNI",
      "documentNumber": "11111111",
      "email": "[email protected]"

    Possible Errors:

    • 400 Bad Request:
      • id does not match authenticated user.
    • 404 Not Found:
      • User not found.


  • Get Accounts by User ID

    • GET /accounts/{userId}

    Request Parameters:

    • page (default: 0)
    • size (default: 10)


      "accounts": [
          "idAccount": 1,
          "accountType": "CAJA_AHORRO",
          "currency": "ARS",
          "bank": "BANCO_NACION",
          "cbu": "1234567890123456789012",
          "alias": "mi.cuenta",
          "transactionLimit": 10000.00,
          "balance": 5000.00
      "nextPage": "/accounts/{userId}?page=1",
      "prevPage": null,
      "countPages": 10

    Possible Errors:

    • 400 Bad Request:
      • If the page or size parameters are invalid.
    • 404 Not Found:
      • If the user with the specified userId does not exist.
    • 401 Unauthorized:
      • If the user is not authenticated.
    • 500 Internal Server Error:
      • If there is an error in processing the request.
  • Get Inactive Accounts by User ID

    • GET /accounts/{userId}/inactive

    Request Parameters:

    • page (default: 0)
    • size (default: 10)


      "accounts": [
          "idAccount": 2,
          "accountType": "CAJA_AHORRO",
          "currency": "ARS",
          "bank": "BANCO_PROVINCIA",
          "cbu": "9876543210987654321098",
          "alias": "otra.cuenta",
          "transactionLimit": 5000.00,
          "balance": 0.00
      "nextPage": "/accounts/{userId}/inactive?page=1",
      "prevPage": null,
      "countPages": 5

    Possible Errors:

    • 400 Bad Request:
      • If the page or size parameters are invalid.
    • 404 Not Found:
      • If the user with the specified userId does not exist.
    • 401 Unauthorized:
      • If the user is not authenticated.
    • 500 Internal Server Error:
      • If there is an error in processing the request.
  • Create a New Account

    • POST /accounts

    Request Body:

      "accountType": "CAJA_AHORRO",
      "currency": "ARS"


      "idAccount": 3,
      "accountType": "CAJA_AHORRO",
      "currency": "ARS",
      "bank": "BANCO_NACION",
      "cbu": "2345678901234567890123",
      "alias": "nueva.cuenta",
      "transactionLimit": 10000.00,
      "balance": 0.00

    Possible Errors:

    • 400 Bad Request:
      • If the request body is missing required fields or contains invalid data.
      • If the accountType or currency is not supported.
    • 401 Unauthorized:
      • If the user is not authenticated.
    • 500 Internal Server Error:
      • If there is an error in processing the request.
  • Update Account Transaction Limit

    • PUT /accounts/{idAccount}

    Request Body:

      "transactionLimit": 15000.00


      "idAccount": 1,
      "accountType": "CAJA_AHORRO",
      "currency": "ARS",
      "bank": "BANCO_NACION",
      "cbu": "1234567890123456789012",
      "alias": "mi.cuenta",
      "transactionLimit": 15000.00,
      "balance": 5000.00

    Possible Errors:

    • 400 Bad Request:
      • If the request body is missing the transactionLimit field or contains an invalid value.
    • 404 Not Found:
      • If the account with the specified idAccount does not exist.
    • 401 Unauthorized:
      • If the user is not authenticated or does not have permission to update the account.
    • 500 Internal Server Error:
      • If there is an error in processing the request.
  • Get Account Balance

    • GET /accounts/balance


      "accountArs": [
          "idAccount": 1,
          "accountType": "CAJA_AHORRO",
          "currency": "ARS",
          "bank": "BANCO_NACION",
          "cbu": "1234567890123456789012",
          "alias": "mi.cuenta",
          "transactionLimit": 10000.00,
          "balance": 5000.00
      "accountUsd": {
        "idAccount": 2,
        "accountType": "CAJA_AHORRO",
        "currency": "USD",
        "bank": "BANCO_NACION",
        "cbu": "2345678901234567890123",
        "alias": "mi.cuenta.usd",
        "transactionLimit": 10000.00,
        "balance": 3000.00
      "history": [],
      "fixedTerms": []

    Possible Errors:

    • 401 Unauthorized:
      • If the user is not authenticated.
    • 500 Internal Server Error:
      • If there is an error in processing the request.
  • Search Account by CBU or Alias

    • GET /accounts/search

    Request Parameters:

    • CBU O ALIAS (String)


      "idAccount": 1,
      "accountType": "CAJA_AHORRO",
      "currency": "ARS",
      "bank": "BANCO_NACION",
      "cbu": "1234567890123456789012",
      "alias": "mi.cuenta",
      "transactionLimit": 10000.00,
      "balance": 5000.00

    Possible Errors:

    • 400 Bad Request:
      • If the CBU or alias parameter is missing or invalid.
    • 404 Not Found:
      • If no account matches the provided CBU or alias.
    • 500 Internal Server Error:
      • If there is an error in processing the request.
  • Delete Account by ID

    • DELETE /accounts/accountId/{id}

    Possible Errors:

    • 400 Bad Request:
      • If the id parameter is missing or invalid.
    • 404 Not Found:
      • If the account with the specified id does not exist.
    • 401 Unauthorized:
      • If the user is not authenticated or does not have permission to delete the account.
    • 500 Internal Server Error:
      • If there is an error in processing the request.


  • Create a Fixed Term

    • POST /fixedTerm

    Request Body:

      "amount": 10000.00,
      "closingDate": "2024-12-31"


      "idDeposit": 1,
      "amount": 10000.00,
      "interest": 5.0,
      "creationDate": "2024-06-24T12:34:56",
      "closingDate": "2024-12-31T12:00:00",
      "interestTotal": 500.00,
      "interestTodayWin": 1.37,
      "amountTotalToReceive": 10500.00

    Possible Errors:

    • 400 Bad Request:
      • If the amount is less than the minimum required amount.
      • If the closingDate is invalid or in the past.
    • 401 Unauthorized:
      • If the user is not authenticated.
    • 500 Internal Server Error:
      • If there is an error in processing the request.
  • Simulate a Fixed Term

    • POST /fixedTerm/simulate

    Request Body:

      "amount": 10000.00,
      "closingDate": "2024-12-31"


      "idDeposit": null,
      "amount": 10000.00,
      "interest": 5.0,
      "creationDate": "2024-06-24T12:34:56",
      "closingDate": "2024-12-31T12:00:00",
      "interestTotal": 500.00,
      "interestTodayWin": 1.37,
      "amountTotalToReceive": 10500.00

    Possible Errors:

    • 400 Bad Request:
      • If the amount is less than the minimum required amount.
      • If the closingDate is invalid or in the past.
    • 401 Unauthorized:
      • If the user is not authenticated.
    • 500 Internal Server Error:
      • If there is an error in processing the request.
  • Get Fixed Terms for Logged-in User

    • GET /fixedTerm

    Request Parameters:

    • page (default: 0)
    • size (default: 10)


      "fixedTerms": [
          "idDeposit": 1,
          "amount": 10000.00,
          "interest": 5.0,
          "creationDate": "2024-06-24T12:34:56",
          "closingDate": "2024-12-31T12:00:00",
          "interestTotal": 500.00,
          "interestTodayWin": 1.37,
          "amountTotalToReceive": 10500.00
      "nextPage": "/fixedTerm?page=1",
      "prevPage": null,
      "countPages": 10

    Possible Errors:

    • 400 Bad Request:
      • If the page or size parameters are invalid.
    • 401 Unauthorized:
      • If the user is not authenticated.
    • 500 Internal Server Error:
      • If there is an error in processing the request.


  • Send money Ars

    • POST /transactions/sendArs

    Request Body:

      "destinationIdAccount": 2,
      "amount": 10000,
      "originIdAccount": 1,
      "concept": "VARIOS",
      "description": "Envio dinero"

    Possible Errors:

    • 404 Not Found:
      • Destination account not found.
      • User not found.
      • Origin account not found.
    • 409 Conflict:
      • Different types of currencies.
      • Insufficient balance.
      • Insufficient limit.
  • Send money Usd

    • POST /transactions/sendUsd Request Body:
        "destinationIdAccount": 2,
        "amount": 10000,
        "originIdAccount": 1,
        "concept": "VARIOS",
        "description": "Envio dinero"

    Possible Errors:

    • 404 Not Found:
      • Destination account not found.
      • User not found.
      • Origin account not found.
    • 409 Conflict:
      • Different types of currencies.
      • Insufficient balance.
      • Insufficient limit.
  • List transactions by user ID

    • GET /transactions/userId/{userId}

    Possible Errors:

    • 404 Not Found:
      • No transactions found for user with that ID.
      • User not found.
      • account not found.
  • Transaction details by user ID

    • GET /transactions/id/{id}

    Possible Errors:

    • 404 Not Found:
      • User not found.
      • Transaction ID does not match the logged user.
  • Deposit

    • POST /transactions/deposit Request Body:
        "amount": 10000,
        "accountType": "CAJA_AHORRO/CUENTA_CORRIENTE",
        "currency": "ARS/USD",
        "concept": "VARIOS",
        "description": "Deposito"

    Possible Errors:

    • 404 Not Found:
      • User not found.
      • account not found.
  • Payment

    • POST /transactions/payment Request Body:
        "amount": 10000,
        "accountType": "CAJA_AHORRO/CUENTA_CORRIENTE",
        "currency": "ARS/USD",
        "concept": "VARIOS",
        "description": "Deposito"

    Possible Errors:

    • 404 Not Found:
      • User not found.
      • account not found.
  • Update transaction

    • PUT /transactions/{idTransaction} Request Body:
        "description": "Deposito"

    Possible Errors:

    • 404 Not Found:
      • User not found.
      • Transaction ID does not match the logged user.
  • List transactions by user account

    • GET /transactions/userAccountId/{userAccountId}

    Possible Errors:

    • 404 Not Found:
      • User not found.
      • No transactions found for user with that ID.
      • Account not found for user.
  • List filtered transactions by user account

    • GET /transactions/userAccountId/{userAccountId}/filters

    Possible Errors:

    • 404 Not Found:
      • User not found.
      • No transactions found for user with that ID.
      • Account not found for user.
      • The page number cannot be negative.
      • The page number is out of range.

Test Data

Test users have been created to facilitate testing of web functionalities.

Admin Users

Email Password
[email protected] admin0
[email protected] admin1
[email protected] admin2
[email protected] admin3
[email protected] admin4
[email protected] admin5
[email protected] admin6
[email protected] admin7
[email protected] admin8
[email protected] admin9

Regular Users

Email Password
[email protected] user0
[email protected] user1
[email protected] user2
[email protected] user3
[email protected] user4
[email protected] user5
[email protected] user6
[email protected] user7
[email protected] user8
[email protected] user9

Seeder Instructions

  1. Run the application: The seeder will run automatically when you start the application.
  2. Access test users: Use the email addresses and passwords listed above to log in with different roles and test the functionalities.
  3. Update test data: If you make changes to the data structure or functionalities, update the seeder and the data in this document.

How to use test data

To access the test users:

  1. Start the application.
  2. Use one of the email addresses and passwords from the table above to log in.
  3. Verify the functionalities based on the user's role (admin or regular).


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