This specification is the official v1.0 release of OpenChatBot format.
Open ChatBot is an Alliance For Open ChatBot initiative to define a common standard specification for communication with and between any conversational agent (text and/or voice).
Current document is the official release (v1.0) of this open standard specification.
Field Name | Type | Description | Required |
userId |
String |
String that describe user ID. There is no constraint on length as this ID should be compliant with any bots and services ID. From Facebook type of ID through web cookie token passing by mobile number in international format, or even concatenation of all of those type of ID. |
query |
String |
URL encoded query to chatbot. |
lang |
String |
Language tag, e.g., en, es etc. |
echo |
Object |
Some information from previous bot answer to give back without any process. |
location |
Object |
Latitude / longitude and/or address. |
curl -X "POST" "https://bot-domain/api/v0.1" \
-H 'authorization: CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d $'{
"query": "je cherche la doc du fauteuil strandmon Ikea",
"userId": "1234567890",
"echo": {
"session": "XXXXXXXX"
"location": {
"address": "44 Av de la Republique, Chatillon",
"geoPoint": {
"longitude": "-82.080317",
"latitude": "39.500859"
POST /api/v0.1 HTTP/1.1
authorization: CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN
Content-Type: application/json
Host: bot-domain
POST body:
"query": "je cherche la doc du fauteuil strandmon Ikea",
"userId": "1234567890",
"lang": "fr",
"echo": {
"session": "XXXXXXXX"
"location": {
"geoPoint": {
"address": "44 Av de la Republique, Chatillon"
Both GET
and POST
methods return the same JSON response.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
"response": {
"query": "je cherche la doc du fauteuil strandmon Ikea",
"userId": "1234567890",
"timestamp": 1485358532524,
"text": "Vous trouverez plus d'infos là:",
"infoURL": "",
"echo": {
"session": "XXXXXXXX"
"score": {
"value": 0.75
"channel": {
"markup": {
"type": "html",
"payload": "<ul><li>bullet 1</li><li>bullet 2</li></ul>"
"messaging": {
"type": "plainText",
"payload": "Je vous envoie plus d'information sur le Strandmon de chez Ikea"
"sms": {
"type": "plainText",
"payload": "Je vous envoie plus d'information sur le Strandmon de chez Ikea"
"tts": {
"type": "plainText",
"payload": "Je vous envoie plus d'information sur le Strandmon de chez Ikea"
"media": [{
"shortDesc": "Fauteuil enfant, Vissle gris",
"longDesc": "Quand ils peuvent imiter les adultes, les enfants se sentent spéciaux et importants. C'est pourquoi nous avons créé une version miniature du fauteuil STRANDMON, l'un de nos produits favoris.",
"title": "STRANDMON",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"src": "",
"default_action": {
"type": "web_url",
"label": "Go",
"payload": ""
"buttons": [{
"type": "web_url",
"label": "Acheter en ligne",
"payload": ""
"type": "natural_language",
"label": "Tous les fauteuils",
"payload": "Je veux voir tous les fauteuils du magazin Ikea le plus proche"
"type": "custom",
"client": "specific_custom_client_name",
"label": "Ajouter au panier",
"suggestions": [{
"type": "web_url",
"label": "Les magasins Ikea",
"payload": ""
"type": "natural_language",
"label": "Politique de confidentialité",
"payload": "Je voudrais voir la politique de confidentialité de la société Ikea en France"
"context": []
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "success"
"meta": {
"botName": "Ikea",
"botIcon": "",
"version": "0.1",
"copyright": "Copyright 2018 Ikea.",
"authors": [
"Jane Doe",
"John Doe"
Top level document MUST contain response object, status object objects and meta objectzz. |
response object: that define document’s “primary content”. This top level member is REQUIRED
status object: This object provide information on request success or failure. This top level member is REQUIRED
meta object: a meta object that contains non-standard meta-information. This top level member is REQUIRED
This object define a single resource object or an empty object ({}).
Field Name | Type | Description | Required |
query |
String |
Natural language query |
userId |
String |
User ID given with the query |
timestamp |
String |
Date and time of the request in UTC timezone using Unix Timestamp |
text |
String |
Most simple universal text answer |
infoURL |
String |
This field is an URL that could provide more info on the particular response. This field is optional. It may be used for instance to provide with additional rich response through an URL for channels that does not support rich contents (like SMS) |
echo |
Some information from previous bot answer to give back without any process. |
score |
Score value given by answering bot on response confidence. |
channel |
Give different answers by targeted channel |
media |
Array of media object |
A media object is made of an image or a video, a title, a long or a short description and zero or up to 3 buttons |
suggestions |
Array of suggestion object |
A suggestions object is a single button action that is usually presented within a horizontally carousel bellow bot response. After selection of one of the button, all other buttons from carousel should be removed from client presentation |
context |
Array of context object. [TBD]. |
Optional item to be used to share any specific bot context. |
score object provide with information on current conversaion like session info.
Field Name | Type | Description | Required |
session |
String |
A session value as string. |
This object define a single resource object. As OpenChatBot format is out of the box multi-channel, all listed keys are required keys.
Field Name | Type | Description | Required |
markup |
WARNING: Unsing key might be very risky while allowing HTML entry is a possible security thread for host reading HTML content including javascript injection (see Wikipedia article on this topic). |
messenging |
This field will provide with the most simple text response type to messaging clients possibly different than the form of response made for SMS. |
sms |
This field is required and will provide a response dedicated to SMS channel (that might not support rich encoding for instance). |
tts |
This object describe what should be used as answer for a voice channel. Either using a standard text different than the display text message or either using a specific Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) format as described by W3C. This object is not mandatory, but if this field is not present, a voice compatible assistant or bot will use the default previous text string to be spoken. |
Field Name | Type | Description | Required |
type |
String |
So far the only possible type is |
playload |
String |
html content to allow formated rendering. BE AWARE OF SECURITY WARNING. |
Field Name | Type | Description | Required |
type |
String |
The type could so far only be |
playload |
String |
It is the content of a simple text response. |
Field Name | Type | Description | Required |
type |
String |
This field is required. The type could be either |
playload |
String |
It is the content of sms text either describe as simple text |
Field Name | Type | Description | Required |
type |
String |
The type could be either |
payload |
String |
It is the content of spoken text either describe as simple text or as SSML tags |
A media object is made of an image or a video, a title, a long or a short description and zero or up to 3 buttons.
This object is usually used as an elementary part of a media object carousel.
Field Name | Type | Description | Required |
shortDesc |
String |
Describe media content with a short text (mostly like a sub-title) [Number max of characters to be suggested] |
longDesc |
String |
Describe media content with a long description [Number max of characters to be suggested] |
title |
String |
Describe the content with couple or words max [Number max of characters to be suggested] |
mimeType |
String |
Describe type of media (ex: image/jpeg, video/mp4, etc.). This might be useful for clients to anticipate what type of media will be displayed (in particular if it’s different than a simple image) |
src |
String |
Provide with the URL for a media content (image for instance) |
buttons |
Array of buttons object |
Buttons are associated to each media content. Maximum number of buttons for a media content is 3. |
default_action |
Action to be taken when selecting the media object. This is a single button object resource. |
default_action object have the same properties as a button object.
buttons object is an array of button object.
button object
Field Name | Type | Description | Required |
type |
String |
Type of action to be done when clicked on media object area, in a media button or a suggestions button. |
label |
String |
Label to be displayed for the button (this does not make much sense when in default_action situation unless label is shown on overlay to a media resource for instance). Most of the time this might need to be shorter than the full sentence or long URLs |
client |
String |
This key should only exist if |
payload |
String |
Text to be use for a new bot query if type is |
suggestions key is an array of button object.
Suggestions buttons are usually displayed as a collection of labeled buttons with horizontal scroll.
This type of buttons are contextual and all buttons should disappear if one of them are clicked or imediatly after any action. |
status object provide with information on request success or failure.
Field Name | Type | Description | Required |
code |
Integer |
Standard HTTP status code (ex: success=200, etc.) |
message |
String |
Human readable status code description |
meta object provide bot related information such as icon, name, version, copyright, authors and bot score.
Any custom item could by added there.
Field Name | Type | Description | Required |
botName |
String |
Used to name which service/bot is answering the question. This name should be unique within a specific metabot instance. This name will have to be registred and approved by OpenChatBot Alliance as part of the certification process (official "Compatible OpenChatBot" stamp). |
botIcon |
String |
Used to reference bot icon (image) url. No strong constraints given so far, but current recommendation is to keep it small (ex: 300x300 pixels) with alpha. |
version |
String |
Describing version number format with major.minor as per latest OpenAPI specifications. |
copyright |
String |
Copyright |
Test your client with current version of Open ChatBot specification.
You can test current draft API specification from Swagger here. Use "@debug suggestions" in the chat box for a full set of keys within response.
There are a number of open source packages which you may leverage with this standard:
You can interact in python with standard compliant bots using the open-chatbot-py-client package.
You can easily add a Web Chat widget to your web page, connected to a compliant bot, using the openchatbot-webclient package.
We recommend also checking the bot registration, per domain, at