UPDATE: we're using a different approach instead. Ignore this repo, and go here instead: https://github.com/osmlab/Bellingham-Bldg-Addr
This repository is based on the DC buildings import and the later LA buildings import. There may be some references to DC or LA that have not been switched over yet.
Work in progress, do not use for import yet
Generates an OSM file of buildings per Bellingham census block group, ready to be used in JOSM for a manual review and upload to OpenStreetMap.
The .osm files are in the osm folder and are numbered according the the census block group ID. To find the file you're looking for, see this map of block groups in Whatcom County and find the GEOID
of the block group by clicking on it.
No formal import proposal has been made yet. We will follow the import guidelines before any data is imported.
# install brew http://brew.sh
brew install libxml2
brew install libxslt
brew install spatialindex
brew install gdal
sudo apt-get install libxml2
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-dev
sudo apt-get install libspatialindex-dev
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin
# may need to easy_install pip and pip install virtualenv
virtualenv ~/venvs/bellingham-wa-buildings
source ~/venvs/bellingham-wa-buildings/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run all stages:
# Download all files and process them into a building
# and an address .osm file per census tract.
You can run stages separately, like so:
# Download and expand all files, reproject
make download
# Chunk building and address files by census tracts
make chunks
# Merge building and address files
make chunks
# Generate importable .osm files.
# This will populate the osm/ directory with one .osm file per
# census tract.
make osm
# Clean up all intermediary files:
make clean
- Buildings http://www.cob.org/data/gis/FGDB_Files/COB_struc_shps.zip
- Address Points http://www.cob.org/data/gis/SHP_Files/COB_land_shps.zip
For future import (not in current phase):
- LIDAR for building heights? See: http://pugetsoundlidar.ess.washington.edu/lidardata/restricted/nonpslc/bellingham2013/bellingham2013.html
- Transforms relevant attributes to OSM tags
- Exports one OSM XML building and address file per census block group
- Handles multipolygons
- Simplifies building shapes
Each building is a closed way tagged with:
`building=yes`, or:
- `building=house` if `BLDGTYPE=HOUSE`
- `building=residential` if `BLDGTYPE=DUPLX`
- `building=public` if `TYPE=PUBLIC`
- `building=static_caravan` if `TYPE=TRAILER`
- `man_made=storage_tank` if `TYPE=RESERVOIR`
`name=NAME` # if available
`building:levels=NUMFLOORS` # integer values, or 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5
`start_date=YRBUILT` # if > 1800 (there is one erroneous value to filter out)
(All entities in CAPS are from COB_struc_Buildings
Addresses are only imported if they intersect a building. If a building contains only one address, the address will be added to the building object. If a building contains more than one address, the addresses will be imported as separate nodes.
`addr:street=STREET_NAM` # with direction prefixes and postfixes expanded
`addr:unit=ADDR_SUITE` # if available
(All entities in CAPS are from COB_land_AddressPoints