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Add new member content

cduvallet edited this page Nov 13, 2016 · 8 revisions

New members of the lab will want to generate new member content. They should:

  1. Grab a copy of the xml template from web_scripts/templates/labMemberTemplate.xml. Or, copy someone else's from web_scripts/xml/. Fill it out! Avoid use of the word "broadly".
  2. Name the xml file firstname_lastname.xml. Keep all letters lowercase.
  3. Get three pictures of yourself you want on the website. Be a doll and crop it so it looks similar to the size and placement of the pictures on everyone else's page.
  4. Name the pictures first_last1.pic through first_last3.pic, where pic is whatever extension. jpg, png, etc. are all fine.
  5. Package the xml and pictures in a zip or tar file and send them to whoever is managing the website.
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