A simple command-line interface (CLI) to fetch and display data from The Movie Database (TMDB). The idea is taken from roadmap.sh.
Configure the TMDB API key:
- The CLI looks for a YAML file in your home directory:
. - The file must include your TMDB API key in the following format:
api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
. - Get an API Key.
- By default,
is expected, you can pass a different file tonewRootCmd("filename.yaml")
Setup the CLI:
Option 1: Install the CLI globally, making it accessible from anywhere in your terminal by running the command:
go install github.com/alnah/go-tmdb-cli@latest
Option 2: Clone the repo and use the Makefile to compile it inside
:git clone https://github.com/alnah/go-tmdb-cli && cd go-tmdb-cli && make
Option 3: Download the appropriate artifact:
- For Windows, download the
file. - For Linux and macOS, download the
file. - Extract the downloaded file and install the CLI.
- For Windows, download the
Fetch curated lists like now playing, popular, top rated, and upcoming movies directly from TMDB:
go-tmdb-cli list -n
go-tmdb-cli list -p
go-tmdb-cli list -t
go-tmdb-cli list -u
Specify filters such as language, year, average rating, genres, etc., to discover movies:
go-tmdb-cli discover -l=en -y=2000,2005 -g=comedy,action -a=6.5,10 -v=100,50000 -m=100 -s=average,desc
go-tmdb-cli discover -l=fr -y=1960,gte -g=history -a=7,gte -v100,gte -m=50 -s=title,asc
go-tmdb-cli discover -l=pt -y=1960,lte -w=comedy -a=9.0,lte -v=2000,lte -m=10 -s=votes,asc
Fore more details:
go-tmdb-cli [command] --help
Run all tests and benchmarking:
make test && make benchmark
- golangci-lint for static code analysis and linting.
- tablewriter for tabular data.
- cobra for CLI structure.
- viper for configuration.
- backoff for retrying on failed requests.
This project is distributed under the Apache License. See the license file for more details.