api_testing folder contains
- api_framework
- tests
This folder has:
Base API Class which handle low level requests Ex. GET or PUT in Flasky case, and returns response data
users_api class which inherits base api and has URL and methods defined to interact with API.
api_interface class inherits users_api and is interface between tests and users_api. base url for users_api is provided here.
utils.py contails helper functions such as creation of Basic auth header, etc.
This folder contains:
tests files for e2e flow - test_api_logic.py
tests files for per api tests
conftest.py which provide helper functions to read config.json, generate fake data for user info updation
config.json provides env specific information
- Close the repo.
- Create virtual env using python 3.7 (.venv)
- Activate the virtual env
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
py.test --alluredir=./allure-results/ api_testing/tests
- To view test report.
allure serve ./allure-results