set.locale is a localization strings service.
it aims to decrease the translation operations of multi language app teams
if you use set.locale
- developers don't need to send every new label to the translators
- if you set the utiliy your every commit will be automaticly crawled for the new labels and pushed to set.locale panel
- translators can easyly edit strings from a panel
- tranaslators can see pending translations with no efford
you send a GET request with your token, service returns a json Name - Value array.
there is 3 query strings for request.
tag - to set desired key list (default is set)
lang - to set the language (default is tr)
page - to set the page number (deafult is 1 and the page item size is 100)
GET /api/locales?lang=en&tag=setcrm HTTP/1.1
Authorization: {your-token}
Cache-Control: no-cache
"Name": "title_product_new",
"Value": "New Product From"
"Name": "menu_products",
"Value": "Products"
"Name": "link_account_new",
"Value": "New Account"
a way to consume this service is getting all the strings on app start.
public class Global : HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void PrepareLocalizationStrings()
var enTexts = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var trTexts = new Dictionary<string, string>();
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue(ConstHelper.MediaTypeJson));
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ConstHelper.LocaleApiKey]);
SetLocalizationStringsDictionary(client, trTexts,;
SetLocalizationStringsDictionary(client, enTexts, ConstHelper.en);
Application.Add(ConstHelper.CultureNameTR, trTexts);
Application.Add(ConstHelper.CultureNameEN, enTexts);
private static void SetLocalizationStringsDictionary(HttpClient client, IDictionary<string, string> dictionary, string languageKey)
const string tag = "setcrm"; //put your tag
var page = 1;
while (page > 0)
var response = client.GetStringAsync(string.Format("{0}&lang={1}&page={2}", tag, languageKey, page));
var responseBody = response.Result;
var items = JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<List<NameValue>>(responseBody);
if (items == null
|| !items.Any())
page = 0;
foreach (var item in items)
if (dictionary.ContainsKey(item.Name))
dictionary[item.Name] = item.Value;
dictionary.Add(item.Name, item.Value);
catch { }
public static class LocalizationHelper
public static string LocalizationString(this HtmlHelper helper, string key)
return ((Dictionary<string, string>)HttpContext.Current.Application[Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name])[key];
catch { return key; }
public static string LocalizationString(string key)
return LocalizationString(null, key);
<label for="Email">@Html.LocalizationString("email")</label>
model.Msg = LocalizationHelper.LocalizationString("please_check_the_fields_and_try_again");