A configurable jQuery plugin that allows you to tag images with pulse effect.
Download the archive or browse the repository.
Then include it after your jQuery file.
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.taggd.js"></script>
Optionally you can use include (and edit) the css file as well.
<link href="css/taggd.css" />
var options = {
// Aligning the text popups
align: {
x: 'center', // left, center or right
y: 'center' // top, center or bottom
// The (relative) offset of the popups in pixels
offset: {
left: 0, // horizontal offset
top: 12 // vertical offset
// event handlers of the tags
handlers: {
// Any vanilla JavaScript event is a valid key
click: function(e) {
alert('You clicked a button');
this; // the DOM Node
e; // the Event
// For convenience, you can use strings to
// show, hide and toggle the popups
mouseenter: 'show',
mouseleave: 'hide'
// Whether to enable editor mode
edit: false,
// Strings for buttons
strings: {
save: '✓',
delete: '×'
// The magic comes together here
$('.taggd').taggd( options, data );
Data are the tags. Taggd accepts different formats, so pay close attention!
var data = [
// x and y values can be decimals (0-1)
x: 0.512,
y: 0.33,
// (Optional) Set the text of the popup.
// If omitted, no popup window will appear.
text: 'Huey',
// (Optional) Set the element’s attributes.
attributes: {
id: 'my-id',
class: 'my-class'
// x and y values can be in pixels too
// Don’t you worry, they will scale perfectly
x: 1052,
y: 356,
text: 'Duwey'
As noted in the comments, whatever unit you use, they will scale. The coordinates are always right.
Not sure how to get them? Use generator to get coordinates.
But other than putting in data, you can do more with Taggd!
// Replace existing data with new data
taggd.setData( [ ... ] );
// Add new items
taggd.addData( { ... } ); // one item or
taggd.addData( [{ ... }, { ... }] ); // multiple items
// Get rid of all the tags
// Undo everthing Taggd did
// Show/hide/toggle all items
These three methods all accept the following arguments.
// A specific index
taggd.show( 1 );
// A CSS selector
taggd.show( '#el-one, :nth-child(1)' );
// A jQuery element
taggd.show( $('#el-two') );
// An array containing any of the formats above
taggd.show( ['#el-one', 1] );
// A function that returns true or false
taggd.show(function(i, e) {
// Show if tag contains a search query
return data[i].text.indexOf(search_query);
These methods can be chained.
taggd.hide().show( 1 );
For examples and styled documentation, visit the project page.