DigitalOcean tool images with necessary tools, it can be used as normal kubectl or doctl command line as well.
Image tag is kubectl version, not doctl version
- doctl (latest release, when run the build)
- kubectl (latest release, when run the build)
- helm (latest release, when run the build)
- General tools, such as bash, curl
- Recommend any other tools by raise PR.
Mostly it is used during CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery) or as part of an automated build/deployment
Make sure you have set a secret variable DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN
in its pipeline, with below pipeline, you can
- checkout
- run:
name: helm_chart_deployment
command: |
# doctl authenticating
doctl auth init -t ${DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN}
# run other doctl command if required
apk add jq
# save Kube config
id=$(doctl kubernetes cluster list -o json |jq -r .[].id)
doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save ${id}
# deploy a helm chart
cd charts/application_name
helm upgrade --install my-release .
If you want to build these images by yourself, please follow below commands.
export REBUILD=true
bash ./
Build job runs daily by CircleCI