Proyecto de EDA6 - Legendary Wallabies
pip install pipenv
--> Install pipenv
pipenv install
--> Install dependencies. Also, this command also creates and activates an virtual env with the dependencies intalled.
--> exit the virtual env.
pipenv shell
--> activate the virtual env
python3 src/
Go to the folder web-app/
and type:\
1- Remember to start your Docker engine!
2- Build image with:
docker build -t subida_cartera .
3- Then, run image with:
docker run -it subida_cartera
pytest tests/
--> run all existing tests
pytest tests/
--> run the specif file with all the test that has inside
pytest test/ -k test_foo
--> run the specific test in the file test_foo
pytest tests/ -vv
--> verbose
pytest tests/ -s
--> to debug using ipbd
1- In your console, you mus go to the folder web_app
2- Type python3 This should open a web page in localhost. The console will tell the address.
3- If oyu want to run the debug mode (that allows the use of ipdb), got yo file web_app/ and find the line:
DEBUG = bool(int(os.getenv("DEBUG", "0")))
In this line, replace the "0" parameter with "1".
In this case, I recommend using pyenv and set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to your project folder by typing:
on mac:
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/your/project/"
on windows:
set PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/your/project/"