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A Discord bot for use with a Jellyfin server.

Here is a sample Discord channel setup with marked channels that are required by the bot; the #new-movies, #new-series and #new-episodes channels actually have webhooks configured inside of Jellyfin to post directly to them (more on that below):


When you're setting up your Jellybot in the Discord Developer Portal, enable the following: image

You'll have to create a bot link using the following permissions (URL is generated below this list; copy it and navigate to it to add the bot to your Discord server): image

Once the bot is added to your discord server, provide it access to the #general, #suggestions, #cutting-board and #bot-testing channels. New user welcome message is posted in #general. New suggestions are posted in #suggestions. Items added to the cutting board are posted to #cutting-board. The bot startup message and suggestions with user information are added to the #bot-testing channel.

You will need to have a .env file in the same directory as your docker-compose.yml file. This will load the configuration settings into the environment variables to be used in the application. Use the template below.

.env Template

# This is retrieved from the Discord Developers site for the application.

# Syntax:

# This API key can be generated in the Jellyfin site while logged in as an admin account.

# OPTIONAL - This is the user ID of an account for the searches. This is used if you want to limit access or use parental controls on the Jellybot's results. You can assign libraries directly to this user in Jellyfin. Retrieve the user ID by opening the user's properties and copy the userid value from the address bar. An admin account would have access to all libraries and circumvents parental controls.

# Right-click the Discord server and click 'Copy ID'. Discord Developer Mode must be enabled.

# Right-click the role and click 'Copy ID'. Discord Developer Mode must be enabled.

# Right-click the role and click 'Copy ID'. Discord Developer Mode must be enabled.

# Right-click the channel and click 'Copy ID'. Discord Developer Mode must be enabled.

# Right-click the channel and click 'Copy ID'. Discord Developer Mode must be enabled.

# Right-click the channel and click 'Copy ID'. Discord Developer Mode must be enabled.

# Right-click the channel and click 'Copy ID'. Discord Developer Mode must be enabled.

# Right-click the channel and click 'Copy ID'. Discord Developer Mode must be enabled.

# Right-click the channel and click 'Copy ID'. Discord Developer Mode must be enabled. The /suggest command uses this to post a thread with the suggestion made and react with but the custom approval and custom disapproval emojis.

# Right-click the channel and click 'Copy ID'. Discord Developer Mode must be enabled. The /cuttingboard command takes a share URL from the Jellyfin site of a movie or show. Jellybot will post a new thread into the cutting board channel and react with but the custom approval and custom disapproval emojis.

# Right-click the channel and click 'Copy ID'. Discord Developer Mode must be enabled. This should only be visible to the administrator user.

# Right-click the user and click 'Copy ID'. Discord Developer Mode must be enabled. This account is used to notify new users of who to contact to request a new Jellyfin account on your server.

# Right-click the Jellybot user and click 'Copy ID'. This is used to skip auto message deletion in the Suggestions channel if it comes from the bot itself.

# Right-click the custom emoji and click 'Copy ID'. You can have a custom emoji in Discord or use an existing standard emoji.

# Right-click the custom emoji and click 'Copy ID'. You can have a custom emoji in Discord or use an existing standard emoji.

# This is used to fetch title information from suggestions made using an IMDB ID. You can receive a free OMDB API key from

# This is the frequence in hours that the function to clear old suggestions will run. Default value: 8.

# The number of days after which a suggestion will be cleared. Default value: 14.

# Set this to true for testing. This will unregister the slash commands and stop the node process. Default value: false.


version: "3.1"
    image: ndollimo/jellybot:latest
    container_name: jellybot
      - .env
    working_dir: /usr/src/app
    restart: unless-stopped

Jellfin Webhooks for Discord

For each of the following, create a new webhook integration in the Discord server and copy webhook URL to use in the Jellyfin webhook configurations.


Add the Webhook plugin if it isn't already added then open its settings to create 3 new Discord Destination webhooks.

New Movies to Discord
Notification Type: Item Added
Item Type: Movies

    "content": "{{MentionType}}",
    "avatar_url": "{{AvatarUrl}}",
    "username": "{{{BotUsername}}}",
    "embeds": [
            "color": "{{EmbedColor}}",
            "footer": {
                "text": "From {{{ServerName}}}",
                "icon_url": "{{AvatarUrl}}"
            "url": "{{ServerUrl}}/web/index.html#!/details?id={{ItemId}}&serverId={{ServerId}}",
            {{#if_equals ItemType 'Season'}}
                "title": "{{{SeriesName}}} {{{Name}}} has been added to {{{ServerName}}}",
                {{#if_equals ItemType 'Episode'}}
                    "title": "{{{SeriesName}}} S{{SeasonNumber00}}E{{EpisodeNumber00}} {{{Name}}} has been added to {{{ServerName}}}",
                    "title": "{{{Name}}} ({{Year}}) has been added to {{{ServerName}}}",
            {{~#if_exist Overview~}}
            "fields": [
                    "name": "Overview",
                    "value": "{{{Overview}}}"
                "url": "{{ServerUrl}}/Items/{{ItemId}}/Images/Primary"
            "description": "External Links:\n
            {{~#if_exist Provider_imdb~}}
            {{~#if_exist Provider_tmdb~}}
                {{~#if_equals ItemType 'Movie'~}}
            {{~#if_exist Provider_musicbrainzartist~}}
            {{~#if_exist Provider_audiodbartist~}}
            {{~#if_exist Provider_musicbrainztrack~}}
                [MusicBrainz Track]({{Provider_musicbrainztrack}})\n
            {{~#if_exist Provider_musicbrainzalbum~}}
                [MusicBrainz Album]({{Provider_musicbrainzalbum}})\n
            {{~#if_exist Provider_theaudiodbalbum~}}
                [TADb Album]({{Provider_theaudiodbalbum}})\n
            {{~#if_exist Provider_tvmaze~}}
                {{~#if_equals ItemType 'Episode'~}}
                {{~#if_equals ItemType 'Series'~}}

New Episodes to Discord
Notification Type: Item Added
Item Type: Episodes, Season

    "content": "{{MentionType}}",
    "avatar_url": "{{AvatarUrl}}",
    "username": "{{{BotUsername}}}",
    "embeds": [
            "color": "{{EmbedColor}}",
            "footer": {
                "text": "From {{{ServerName}}}",
                "icon_url": "{{AvatarUrl}}"
            "url": "{{ServerUrl}}/web/index.html#!/details?id={{ItemId}}&serverId={{ServerId}}",
            {{#if_equals ItemType 'Season'}}
                "title": "{{{SeriesName}}} {{{Name}}} has been added to {{{ServerName}}}",
                {{#if_equals ItemType 'Episode'}}
                    "title": "{{{SeriesName}}} S{{SeasonNumber00}}E{{EpisodeNumber00}} {{{Name}}} has been added to {{{ServerName}}}",
                    "title": "{{{Name}}} ({{Year}}) has been added to {{{ServerName}}}",
            {{~#if_exist Overview~}}
            "fields": [
                    "name": "Overview",
                    "value": "{{{Overview}}}"
                "url": "{{ServerUrl}}/Items/{{ItemId}}/Images/Primary"
            "description": "External Links:\n
            {{~#if_exist Provider_imdb~}}
            {{~#if_exist Provider_tmdb~}}
                {{~#if_equals ItemType 'Movie'~}}
            {{~#if_exist Provider_musicbrainzartist~}}
            {{~#if_exist Provider_audiodbartist~}}
            {{~#if_exist Provider_musicbrainztrack~}}
                [MusicBrainz Track]({{Provider_musicbrainztrack}})\n
            {{~#if_exist Provider_musicbrainzalbum~}}
                [MusicBrainz Album]({{Provider_musicbrainzalbum}})\n
            {{~#if_exist Provider_theaudiodbalbum~}}
                [TADb Album]({{Provider_theaudiodbalbum}})\n
            {{~#if_exist Provider_tvmaze~}}
                {{~#if_equals ItemType 'Episode'~}}
                {{~#if_equals ItemType 'Series'~}}

New Shows to Discord
Notification Type: Item Added
Item Type: Season, Series

    "content": "{{MentionType}}",
    "avatar_url": "{{AvatarUrl}}",
    "username": "{{{BotUsername}}}",
    "embeds": [
            "color": "{{EmbedColor}}",
            "footer": {
                "text": "From {{{ServerName}}}",
                "icon_url": "{{AvatarUrl}}"
            "url": "{{ServerUrl}}/web/index.html#!/details?id={{ItemId}}&serverId={{ServerId}}",
            {{#if_equals ItemType 'Season'}}
                "title": "{{{SeriesName}}} {{{Name}}} has been added to {{{ServerName}}}",
                {{#if_equals ItemType 'Episode'}}
                    "title": "{{{SeriesName}}} S{{SeasonNumber00}}E{{EpisodeNumber00}} {{{Name}}} has been added to {{{ServerName}}}",
                    "title": "{{{Name}}} ({{Year}}) has been added to {{{ServerName}}}",
            {{~#if_exist Overview~}}
            "fields": [
                    "name": "Overview",
                    "value": "{{{Overview}}}"
                "url": "{{ServerUrl}}/Items/{{ItemId}}/Images/Primary"
            "description": "External Links:\n
            {{~#if_exist Provider_imdb~}}
            {{~#if_exist Provider_tmdb~}}
                {{~#if_equals ItemType 'Movie'~}}
            {{~#if_exist Provider_musicbrainzartist~}}
            {{~#if_exist Provider_audiodbartist~}}
            {{~#if_exist Provider_musicbrainztrack~}}
                [MusicBrainz Track]({{Provider_musicbrainztrack}})\n
            {{~#if_exist Provider_musicbrainzalbum~}}
                [MusicBrainz Album]({{Provider_musicbrainzalbum}})\n
            {{~#if_exist Provider_theaudiodbalbum~}}
                [TADb Album]({{Provider_theaudiodbalbum}})\n
            {{~#if_exist Provider_tvmaze~}}
                {{~#if_equals ItemType 'Episode'~}}
                {{~#if_equals ItemType 'Series'~}}


Jellybot Github Repository

Jellybot Docker Hub Repository

Discord Developer Portal


A Discord bot for use with a Jellyfin server.






No releases published


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  • JavaScript 98.9%
  • Dockerfile 1.1%