- Create only one page."index.html"
- Checkout a new branch called events.
- Add header with navigating bar.
- add form with mmutiplue inputs and select.
- Add footer that contains social media links with copyright.
- Create app.js
- Create a constructor to generate a food object.
- Create an instance each time user submits.
- Fill the object from the form.
- Create a method to generate a unique four digits for the food id number.
- create a render prototype method to render each food name with their information from the form on the home page as a table.
- create a new page "statistics.html"
- Check out a new branch called localStorage.
- save the form's data into the local storage as a JSON format
- create a new JS file "statistics.js"
- Move the table from the home page to it .
- render the data from the local storage (that was built in the app.js) into the table.