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Deploying a new release

Seth T edited this page May 24, 2022 · 2 revisions

Current steps:

  1. Increase the version number in Amber to the new target version number. Make sure this includes the src/amber/ file, the CLI command amber -v provides this version.
  2. Make a new branch, named the version that is being deployed.
  3. Make a new "Release" tag, using the same version number. Update the release notes with any changes that may affect users.
  4. Before merging in any new PRs, make a PR to merge the latest updates from master into the stable branch for the Linux users

To update Homebrew:

  1. Download a copy of the new release tar file
  2. Run shasum -a 256 /directory/of/file/file-name.tar.gz to get the SHA for the file.
  3. Update the formula in the Homebrew-amber directory, the file link and SHA values in Formula/amber.rb take the link to the new tar.gz file and the SHA value you just calculated in your terminal.
  4. Push the updates in the Homebrew formula to master and run brew update.
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