This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 19, 2024. It is now read-only.
- feat: Added option for Custom Pooja and Amount paid (#65) - @gopikaharikumar
- chore: Create release-drafter.yml (#67) - @yashk2000
- chore: Create auto_label.yml (#66) - @yashk2000
- Master (#1) - @abhinandhari
- style: change and apply spotless with indentation 4 spaces (#64) - @immadisairaj
- chore: Update (#62) - @Chromicle
- feat: user can fetch multipule details in readAll (#61) - @Chromicle
- chore: Applied Spotless (#59) - @yashk2000
- add spotless and update gradle (#57) - @immadisairaj
- refactor: packages, ./gitignore and settings.gradle (#55) - @abhijitramesh
- Add Animations and improved UI (#48) - @Chromicle
- Scroll added to the read_all layout (#47) - @ShivangiSingh17
- Added scrolling functionality for landscape mode (#45) - @ShivangiSingh17
- [ImgBot] Optimize images (#44) - @imgbot
- [WIP] Redesign layout of main activity screen (#36) - @aswinshenoy
- Renames the directory names (#42) - @ShivangiSingh17
- Directory names changed to start with small letters (#41) - @ShivangiSingh17
- added get in API interface (#39) - @immadisairaj
- Added files for using retrofit (#37) - @immadisairaj
- remove branding (#35) - @aswinshenoy
- Fixed comments with proper annotations (#31) - @abhinandhari
- Travis CI integrated (#29) - @ShivangiSingh17
- Hardcoded string fix (#28) - @adarshsiva
- feat: Added Gitter Channel (#26) - @abhijitramesh
- fixes #12: It will be better to restrict user to add either "user ID" or "name", without leaving both details empty (#25) - @mustaqmustu
- Revert "fixes #12: It will be better to restrict user to add either "user ID" or "name", without leaving both details empty" (#24) - @Chromicle
- fixes #12: It will be better to restrict user to add either "user ID" or "name", without leaving both details empty (#23) - @mustaqmustu
- Inserted Screenshots into file (#19) - @athiranair2000
- Fixes issue #10 (#18) - @mustaqmustu
- Added sort to ReadAll (#7) - @Chromicle
- Create (#6) - @yashk2000
- Update with license. (#5) - @yashk2000
- Create LICENSE (#4) - @yashk2000
- Created (#3) - @gopikaharikumar
🚀 Features
- feat: New username insertion and updation (#72) - @ShivangiSingh17
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: Refactored the app code (#115) - @athiranair2000
- fix: corrected heading of ReadAll (#113) - @hridyakrishna
- fix: Deleted unwanted message (#110) - @athiranair2000
- fix: Edited the toast messages in the search section (#108) - @gopikaharikumar
- fix: Changed Alert dialogue messages (#106) - @ShivangiSingh17
- fix: Dimensions edited (#103) - @ShivangiSingh17
- fix: Edit text for Amount remains even after multiple changes in activities. (#104) - @gopikaharikumar
- fix: Replaced User ID with the Employee ID (#101) - @ShivangiSingh17
- fix: Rearrangement in Add Pooja/Donation (#100) - @adarshsiva
- fix: updated URL of backend (#97) - @Chromicle
- fix: Toast Duration (#89) - @AnoopkRajan
- fix: Scroll functionality enabled (#88) - @ShivangiSingh17
- fix: Fixes crash in ReadAll Activity (#86) - @Chromicle
- fix: Fixes UI issue in ReadAll Activity (#85) - @Chromicle
- fix: App bar label is minimized on orientation change (#84) - @adarshsiva
- fix: editTexts for amount only takes numbers (#82) - @adarshsiva
- fix: Removed non functioning edit texts (#83) - @adarshsiva
⚒️ Maintenance
- chore: replaced app icon (#111) - @Chromicle
- chore: Spotless (#109) - @yashk2000
- chore: Add Data binding (#71) - @Chromicle
- chore: Store the dimensions into dimens resource file (#69) - @hridyakrishna
- chore: Update (#68) - @yashk2000
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@AbhilashG97, @AnoopkRajan, @Chromicle, @ShivangiSingh17, @abhijitramesh, @abhinandhari, @adarshsiva, @aswinshenoy, @athiranair2000, @gopikaharikumar, @hridyakrishna, @imgbot, @imgbot[bot], @immadisairaj, @mustaqmustu, @vchrombie, @yashk2000 and athiranair2000