go-locust is a library to control a locust load generation and get statistics written in golang. This is client allows to start,stop a locust load test and ramp up load. This uses locust endpoints to cummunicate with locust.
Currently, go-locust requires Go version 1.13 or greater and Locust 0.14 or higher. I will try my best to test with older versions of Go and Locust, but due time constraints, I haven't tested with older versions.
This does not process client stats and presents information as it is.
check example folder
package main
import (
lc "github.com/amila-ku/go-locust"
const (
hostURL = "http://localhost:8089"
users = 5
hatchRate = 1
func main(){
client, err := lc.New(hostURL)
if err != nil {
_, err = client.GenerateLoad(users, hatchRate)
if err != nil {
hostUrl : locust endpoiint to connect to, ex : http://locust.loadenv.io:8089
users : Number of users to simulate
hatchRate : How many users to be added per second
complete example:
package main
import (
lc "github.com/amila-ku/go-locust"
const (
hostURL = "http://localhost:8089"
users = 5
hatchRate = 1
func main(){
client, err := lc.New(hostURL)
if err != nil {
// start load generation
_, err = client.GenerateLoad(users, hatchRate)
if err != nil {
// stop load generation
_, err = client.stopLoad()
if err != nil {
// get loadtest status
_, err = client.getStatus()
if err != nil {
Library go-locust will not directly handle authentication since locust does not require authentication. If you have implemented authetication mechanism handle it accordingly. As an example if Oauth2 is used when creating http client configure http.Client to handle authentication for you. Check https://github.com/golang/oauth2 for implementation
install locust
pip3 install locust
and configure loadtest file as described here https://docs.locust.io/en/stable/quickstart.html
locust -f locust_files/my_locust_file.py
If you are using the client and willing to add new functionality to it, you are welcome.
Also check out locust-operator which makes running locust in a distributed setup makes easy.
Open source licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE file for details).