My Neovim configurations
You can just clone the repository and create a link to downloaded directory:
mkdir -p ~/.config
git clone ~/.config/nvim
Mode | Key | Function |
i | jk |
escape to normal mode |
n | <C-h> |
jump to left window |
n | <C-j> |
jump to bottom window |
n | <C-k> |
jump to top window |
n | <C-l> |
jump to right window |
n,i | <F2> |
Toggle paste mode |
n | <F3> |
No highlight search |
n | <F4> |
Toggle spell checking |
n, v | <Leader>s |
easymotion search |
n | <Leader>fb |
FZF Buffers |
n | <Leader>fc |
FZF Commands |
n | <Leader>ff |
FZF Files |
n | <Leader>fh |
FZF File history |
n | <Leader>fl |
FZF Lines |
n | <Leader>fm |
FZF Maps |
n | <Leader>fs |
FZF Ag |
n | <Leader>ft |
FZF Tags |
n | <Leader>fw |
FZF Ag word under cursor |
n | <leader>n |
NERDTreeToggle (this is lazy loaded) |
n | <leader>gd |
Fugitive Gdiff |
n | <leader>ge |
Fugitive Gedit |
n | <leader>gl |
Fugitive Git log |
n | <leader>gs |
Fugitive Gstatus |
n | <leader>gh |
Fugitive Gsplit |
n | <leader>gv |
Fugitive Gvsplit |
a | q |
quit for help windows |
i | <tab> |
deoplete next item |
i | <S-tab> |
deoplete previous item |
i | <tab> |
UltiSnips expand snippet or jump |
i | <S-tab> |
UltiSnips jump backward |
Plus all default mappings for loaded modules. Here are some examples:
Mode | Key | Function |
n, v | <Leader><Leader>w |
easymotion word motion |
n, v | <Leader><Leader>j |
easymotion line down motion |
n, v | <Leader><Leader>k |
easymotion line up motion |
n, v | <Leader><Leader>b |
easymotion word backward motion |
n | cs |
change surrounding |
n | ds |
delete surrounding |
n | ys |
insert surrounding |
n | gc{motion} |
Commentary toggle comment on a move |
n | gcc |
Commentary toggle line comment |
n | [c |
Gitgutter prev hunk |
n | ]c |
Gitgutter next hunk |
n | <leader>hs |
Gitgutter stage hunk |
n | <leader>hu |
Gitgutter undo hunk |
o | {action}ic |
Gitgutter inner hunk |
o | {action}ic |
Gitgutter outer hunk |
i | <M-n> |
Auto-pairs jump to next closed pairs |
i | <M-b> |
Auto-pairs toggle |
n | <leader>t |
TaskList.vim show list of task tags (TODO, FIXEME, BUG, ...) |
- General Vim configuration - Used nvim defaults and my old configs - done
- Easymotion - done
- Good status bar - Using airline - done
- Surround - done
- Project fuzzy find - Using FZF - done
- Commenting - Using Commentary - done
- Directory tree - Using NERDTree (Avoided NERDTreeTabs as it was not lazy loaded) - done
- Git support - Using Fugitive - done
- Syntax checking and Lint - Using Neomake - done
- Git changes in gutter - Using git-gitter - done
- Brackets auto closing - Using auto-pairs - done
- Help in new tab - Using cabbrev - done
- Autocompletion - Using deoplete - partly done
- Snippets - Using UltiSnips - done
- jk jump to normal mode - done
- Persistent undo - done
- Indentation guide - done
- Bracket highlighting - Already in nvim - done
- Smart Indentation - Already in nvim - done
- Spell-checking - Already in nvim - done
- Autosave - Already in nvim - done
- List TODO FIXME BUG ... - done
- lazy loading
- Mnemonic shortcuts
- Tags
- Jump to test file
- Beautify
- Multi-cursor (sublime like behavior)
- Available keys (Maybe)
- Move line up and down (sublime like)
- Block select (per language type)
- Languages to support
- Python
- Ruby
- Javascript
- Coffescript
- Markdown