Release v1.0.0
What's New
- Introducing new design with entirly new app experience.
- New design follows card design pattern highlighting important data utilising graphs and bars.
- New Backend that is more optimised and offers better user experience.
- New set of icons shipped by the app which covers wide range of conditions, and is independent of system icons.
- Now weather better scales with various screen sizes (desktop).
- Covers more cities and locations.
- Sunrise, Sunset current time of location selected is shown in local time zone of the selected location.
Thanks to :
@basmilius - for creating beautiful weather-icons
@sabriunal - for bug fixes and translation related changes
@soumyaDghosh - for bug fixes related to snap
@Nokse22 - for fixes and creating new icon
@hui1601 - for fixing translation related bugs
@vishal146 - for helping in writing sun rotation expressions.
@suryansh076 - for helping with new design
and thanks to the folks who reported bugs on GitHub.