The Eclipse JNoSQL Mapping Extension API is a collection of implementations/specializations from the Jakarta NoSQL specification that defines specific behavior in various NoSQL databases.
The ArangoDB extension provides an implementation to define specific behavior that is beyond the scope of the API such as the ArangoDB Query Language (AQL).
You can use either the Maven or Gradle dependencies:
You can define the database settings using Eclipse MicroProfile Config, so you can put it in the properties and overwrite it in the environment following the Twelve-Factor App.
The config settings are the default behavior; nevertheless, there is an option to do it programmatically. Create a class that implements the Supplier<ArangoDBDocumentManager>
and then defines it as an @Alternative
and the Priority
public class ManagerSupplier implements Supplier<ArangoDBDocumentManager> {
public ArangoDBDocumentManager get() {
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("credential", "value").build();
ArangoDBDocumentConfiguration configuration = new ArangoDBDocumentConfiguration();
ArangoDBDocumentManagerFactory factory = configuration.apply(settings);
return factory.apply("database");
interface is an extension of the ArangoDBRepository
interface that allows execution of AQL via the Repository
interface PersonRepository extends ArangoDBRepository<Person, String> {
@AQL("FOR p IN Person RETURN p")
List<Person> findAll();
@AQL("FOR p IN Person FILTER = @name RETURN p")
List<Person> findByName(@Param("name") String name);
The Cassandra extension provides an implementation to define specific behavior that is beyond the scope of the API such as the Cassandra Query Language (CQL) and Consistency Level.
You can use either the Maven or Gradle dependencies:
You can define the database settings using Eclipse MicroProfile Config, so you can put it in the properties and overwrite it in the environment following the Twelve-Factor App.
jnosql.cassandra.query.1=CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS newKeySpace WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3};
The config settings are the default behavior; nevertheless, there is an option to do it programmatically. Create a class that implements the Supplier<CassandraColumnManager>
and then defines it as an @Alternative
and the Priority
public class ManagerSupplier implements Supplier<CassandraColumnManager> {
public CassandraColumnManager get() {
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("credential", "value").build();
CassandraConfiguration configuration = new CassandraConfiguration();
CassandraColumnManagerFactory factory = configuration.apply(settings);
return factory.apply("database");
interface is an extension of the CassandraRepository
interface that allows execution of CQL and Consistency Level via the Repository
interface PersonRepository extends CassandraRepository<Person, String> {
@CQL("select * from Person")
List<Person> findAll();
@CQL("select * from Person where name = ?")
List<Person> findByName(String name);
@CQL("select * from Person where age = :age")
List<Person> findByAge(@Param("age") Integer age);
annotation is a mapping annotation that allows defining a field to be stored as a user-defined type in Cassandra.@UDT
public class Person {
private String name;
private Integer age;
private Address home;
TimestampConverter: That converts to/from java.util.Date
LocalDateConverter: That converts to/from com.datastax.driver.core.LocalDate
@Convert(value = TimestampConverter.class)
private LocalDateTime localDateTime;
@Convert(value = LocalDateConverter.class)
private Calendar calendar;
The Couchbase extension provides an implementation to define specific behavior that is beyond the scope of the API such as N1QL (pronounced "nickel").
You can use either the Maven or Gradle dependencies:
You can define the database settings using Eclipse MicroProfile Config, so you can put it in the properties and overwrite it in the environment following the Twelve-Factor App.
The config settings are the default behavior; nevertheless, there is an option to do it programmatically. Create a class that implements the Supplier<CouchbaseDocumentManager>
and then defines it as an @Alternative
and the Priority
public class ManagerSupplier implements Supplier<CouchbaseDocumentManager> {
public CouchbaseDocumentManager get() {
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("credential", "value").build();
CouchbaseDocumentConfiguration configuration = new CouchbaseDocumentConfiguration();
CouchbaseDocumentManagerFactory factory = configuration.apply(settings);
return factory.apply("database");
interface is an extension of the CouchbaseRepository
interface that allows execution of N1QL via the Repository
interface PersonRepository extends CouchbaseRepository<Person, String> {
@N1QL("select * from Person")
List<Person> findAll();
@N1QL("select * from Person where name = $name")
List<Person> findByName(@Param("name") String name);
The Elasticsearch extension provides an implementation to define specific behavior that is beyond the scope of the API such as a search engine.
You can use either the Maven or Gradle dependencies:
You can define the database settings using Eclipse MicroProfile Config, so you can put it in the properties and overwrite it in the environment following the Twelve-Factor App.
The config settings are the default behavior; nevertheless, there is an option to do it programmatically. Create a class that implements the Supplier<ElasticsearchDocumentManager>
and then defines it as an @Alternative
and the Priority
public class ManagerSupplier implements Supplier<ElasticsearchDocumentManager> {
public ElasticsearchDocumentManager get() {
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("credential", "value").build();
ElasticsearchDocumentConfiguration configuration = new ElasticsearchDocumentConfiguration();
ElasticsearchDocumentManagerFactory factory = configuration.apply(settings);
return factory.apply("database");
interface is a specialization of the ElasticsearchTemplate
interface that allows using a search engine on both synchronous and asynchronous.DocumentTemplate
ElasticsearchTemplate template;
QueryBuilder queryBuilder = boolQuery().filter(termQuery("name", "Ada"));
List<Person> people =, "Person");
The Hazelcast extension provides an implementation to define specific behavior that is beyond the scope of the API such as Hazelcast Query.
You can use either the Maven or Gradle dependencies:
You can define the database settings using Eclipse MicroProfile Config, so you can put it in the properties and overwrite it in the environment following the Twelve-Factor App.
The config settings are the default behavior; nevertheless, there is an option to do it programmatically. Create a class that implements the Supplier<HazelcastBucketManager>
and then defines it as an @Alternative
and the Priority
public class ManagerSupplier implements Supplier<HazelcastBucketManager> {
public HazelcastBucketManager get() {
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("credential", "value").build();
HazelcastKeyValueConfiguration configuration = new HazelcastKeyValueConfiguration();
HazelcastBucketManagerFactory factory = configuration.apply(settings);
return factory.apply("database");
interface PersonRepository extends HazelcastRepository<Person, String> {
List<Person> findActive();
@Query("name = :name AND age = :age")
Set<Person> findByAgeAndInteger(@Param("name") String name, @Param("age") Integer age);
interface is a specialization of the HazelcastTemplate
interface that allows execution of a Hazelcast query.KeyValueTemplate
Collection<Person> people = template.query("active");
Collection<Person> people2 = template.query("age = :age", singletonMap("age", 10));
Collection<Person> people3 = template.query(Predicates.equal("name", "Poliana"));
The MongoDB extension provides an implementation to define specific behavior that is beyond the scope of the API such as the Cassandra Query Language, consistency level.
You can use either the Maven or Gradle dependencies:
You can define the database settings using Eclipse MicroProfile Config, so you can put it in the properties and overwrite it in the environment following the Twelve-Factor App.
The config settings are the default behavior; nevertheless, there is an option to do it programmatically. Create a class that implements the Supplier<MongoDBDocumentManager>
and then defines it as an @Alternative
and the Priority
public class ManagerSupplier implements Supplier<MongoDBDocumentManager> {
public MongoDBDocumentManager get() {
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("credential", "value").build();
MongoDBDocumentConfiguration configuration = new MongoDBDocumentConfiguration();
MongoDBDocumentManagerFactory factory = configuration.apply(settings);
return factory.apply("database");
You can use either the Maven or Gradle dependencies:
You can define the database settings using Eclipse MicroProfile Config, so you can put it in the properties and overwrite it in the environment following the Twelve-Factor App.
The config settings are the default behavior; nevertheless, there is an option to do it programmatically. Create a class that implements the Supplier<OrientDBDocumentManager>
and then defines it as an @Alternative
and the Priority
public class ManagerSupplier implements Supplier<OrientDBDocumentManager> {
public OrientDBDocumentManager get() {
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("credential", "value").build();
OrientDBDocumentConfiguration configuration = new OrientDBDocumentConfiguration();
OrientDBDocumentManagerFactory factory = configuration.apply(settings);
return factory.apply("database");
interface is an extension of the OrientDBCrudRepository
interface that allows execution of a SQL Query via the Repository
interface PersonRepository extends OrientDBCrudRepository<Person, String> {
@SQL("select * from Person")
List<Person> findAll();
@SQL("select * from Person where name = ?")
List<Person> findByName(String name);
@SQL("select * from Person where age = :age")
List<Person> findByAge(@Param("age") Integer age);
interface is a specialization of the OrientDBTemplate
interface that allows execution of a SQL query and live query on both synchronous and asynchronous.DocumentTemplate
OrientDBTemplate template;
Stream<Person> stream = template.sql("select * from Person where name = ?", "Ada");"select from Person where name = ?", callBack, "Ada");
The Apache Solr extension provides an implementation to define specific behavior that is beyond the scope of the API such as Search query.
You can use either the Maven or Gradle dependencies:
You can define the database settings using Eclipse MicroProfile Config, so you can put it in the properties and overwrite it in the environment following the Twelve-Factor App.
The config settings are the default behavior; nevertheless, there is an option to do it programmatically. Create a class that implements the Supplier<SolrDocumentManager>
and then defines it as an @Alternative
and the Priority
public class ManagerSupplier implements Supplier<SolrDocumentManager> {
public SolrDocumentManager get() {
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put("credential", "value").build();
SolrDocumentConfiguration configuration = new SolrDocumentConfiguration();
SolrDocumentManagerFactory factory = configuration.apply(settings);
return factory.apply("database");
interface is an extension of the SolrRepository
interface that allows using Solr query annotation that executes Solr query.Repository
interface PersonRepository extends SolrRepository<Person, String> {
@Solr("select * from Person")
List<Person> findAll();
@Solr("select * from Person where name = $name")
List<Person> findByName(@Param("name") String name);
Graph connections is a project that contains several GraphConfiguration
Configuration property | Description |
The edge collection. It uses as a prefix. E.g.:jnosql.arangodb.graph.edge.1=edge |
Edge collection, the source vertex collection and the target vertex collection split by pipe. It hou,It uses as a prefix. E.g.: jnosql.arangodb.graph.relationship.1=Person|knows|Person |
The vertex collection. It uses as a prefix. E.g.: jnosql.arangodb.graph.vertex.1=vertex |
Name of the graph to use. |
The database host. |
The user’s credential. |
The password’s credential. |
This is an example using ArangoDB’s Graph API with MicroProfile Config.
This is an example using Janus’s Graph API with MicroProfile Config.
The API will pass and use the properties from org.janusgraph.graphdb.configuration.GraphDatabaseConfiguration
This is an example using Titan’s Graph API with MicroProfile Config.
The API will pass and use the properties from com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.configuration.GraphDatabaseConfiguration
Configuration property | Description |
The database host. Default: "bolt://localhost:7687" |
The user’s credential. Default: "neo4j" |
The password’s credential. Default: "neo4j" |
This is an example using Neo4J’s Graph API with MicroProfile Config.
Configuration property | Description |
The database host. Default: "bolt://localhost:7687" |
This is an example using Neo4J’s Graph API with MicroProfile Config.
This is the experimental Criteria API, largely inspired by the JPA one. Using this API you can execute queries built via CriteriaQuery. The CriteriaQuery is used in combination with Metamodel Attributes. These attributes are automagically generated from the defined NoSQL Entities.
The Criteria API can be used via CriteriaDocumentTemplate.
private CriteriaDocumentTemplateProducer producer;
private DocumentManager documentManager;
CriteriaDocumentTemplate template = producer.get(documentManager);
You can fetch entities with an EntityQuery :
CriteriaQuery<Person> personQuery = template.createQuery(Person.class);
EntityQueryResult<Person> executeQuery = template.executeQuery(
Stream<Person> stream = executeQuery.getEntities();
You can fetch single columns/projections using an ExpressionQuery :
CriteriaQuery<Person> personQuery = template.createQuery(Person.class);
StringExpression<Person, Person> nameExpression = personQuery.from().get(
NumberExpression<Person, Person, Integer> ageExpression = personQuery.from().get(
ExpressionQueryResult<Person> executeQuery = template.executeQuery(
Optional<ExpressionQueryResultRow<Person>> findFirst = executeQuery.getRows().findFirst();
String name = findFirst.get().get(
Integer age = findFirst.get().get(