This code is posted for informational purposes only. Use of Instagram is governed by the company's Terms of Use (http://instagram.com/legal/terms/). Any user content posted to Instagram is governed by the Privacy Policy (http://instagram.com/legal/privacy/).
Nothing fancy, wget, bash, sed, tail, grep, echo. Standard GNU/bash.
Edit instacreep.sh and instacreep-full.sh 'savepath=""' to point to the directory to save files in.
In the same directory, add a text file named instacreep.txt with a newline delimited list of usernames.
If savepath="/home/user/Pictures/instacreep/" for example,
then file /home/user/Pictures/instacreep/instacreep.txt should contain your list.
instacreep-full.sh bootstraps the backup, grabbing all posts. May only need to run this initially, or as a cron to check for items missed by instacreep.sh updates.
instacreep.sh monitors the last 20 posts of the user for updates. Checks in a range of 45 seconds and 6m45s.
instacreep will populate your savepath with a simple directory structure with the usernames supplied.
tagcreep.sh is similar, checks for latest updates to any tag you supply. Name the taglist tags.txt and specify a directory to store them.