Chat-Hub is a free open source chat room built with React Js with Firebase as the backend.
Website Link 👉 Click Me
Clone this repository :
git clone
Install all packages :
npm install or yarn install
Runs the app in the development mode :
npm start
to view it in the browser. -
Create an.env file in the root directory and add your firebase config tokens there, or hard code it in firebase. initializeApp
NOTE:   In the assign variable, put your firebase key values.
REACT_APP_apiKey = apiKey
REACT_APP_authDomain = authDomain
REACT_APP_projectId = projectId
REACT_APP_storageBucket = storageBucket
REACT_APP_messagingSenderId = messagingSenderId
REACT_APP_appId = appId
REACT_APP_measurementId = measurementId
Create a firebase web app and a firebase store database, then paste the firebase config token into
firebase.initializeApp({ apiKey: "process.env.apiKey", authDomain: "process.env.authDomain", projectId: "process.env.projectId", storageBucket:"process.env.storageBucket", messagingSenderId:"process.env.messagingSenderId", appId:"process.env.appId", measurementId: "process.env.measurementId" }) }
Deploy it on any of your favourite website hosting services.
Enjoy everything is working now ✨