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This is my personal config repository for archlinux.

The following document gives a high level overview of my linux config.
This particular config has been tested on ArchLinux only (last update on 22-02-20).
Thus, only pacman and yay have been used and tested as arch and AUR package managers respectively.
The reader is highly adviced to search the internet and in particular the ArchWiki, EVEN in NON arch-based systems!!

First, an overview of the repo is given in section 1.
The software I use and a link to the official doc are presented and linked in section 2.
In section 3, the automatic install script is presented.
Finally, ways to contribute to this project are put forward in section 4 for who is interested and a gallery of photos is presented in section 5, to give an idea of the final rendering of the config.

If you want a quick brief of what dotfiles really are, I recommend this video of FireShip.

Table Of Content.

1. Overview and architecture. [toc]

This repo has been created using a bare repository, i.e. initialization has been done with git init --bare $HOME/.dotfiles instead of the usual git init. This command creates a bare repository, meaning that there is no working directory inside it, only .git files. This is normal as bare repositories are not meant to host working files, but only track files inside the working directory.
This makes the process of tracking dotfiles much easier! There is no need anymore to copy files into the dotfiles repository, track them and put them back where they should be using symlinks! A simple alias of the form cfg='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME' is enough to use git on any file inside $HOME.

Hence, the architecture of the files above is a perfect mirror, regarding tracked files only, of my system!


  • simply replace $HOME with whatever your personal space is called. One can issue echo $HOME in a terminal to check this.

If you want more information about bare git repositories, you can check one of the following resources:

2. The software I use. [toc]



  • the surf config has been moved here
  • the qtile config has been moved here

3. The install process. [toc]

download Arch

some requirements

on Ubuntu, there are some requirements to install before anything else

# general
sudo apt install git cmake curl

# nushell
sudo apt install libssl-dev

# neovim
sudo apt install libtool-bin gettext

on ArchLinux

# minimal
sudo pacman -S openssl openssh vim git libxft cmake unzip xorg xorg-xinit bspwm sxhkd tmux qutebrowser xclip libnotify rofi slock dunst pinentry at-spi2-core gtk3 bluez bluez-utils cronie ranger

first of all, we will install Nushell to make our lives easier:

  • install Rust and cargo via rustup
bash> export CARGO_HOME=~/.local/share/cargo
bash> curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  • install Nushell with cargo
bash> cargo install nu
  • enter Nushell
bash> nu
  • install the dotfiles
git clone --bare /tmp/dotfiles
alias cfg = ^git --git-dir /tmp/dotfiles --work-tree $nu.home-path
cfg reset --hard
cfg config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"
  • install Nupm and a tool to manage Git repositories
git clone /tmp/nupm
git clone /tmp/nu-git-manager

use /tmp/nupm/nupm
nupm install --path /tmp/nupm/
nupm install --path /tmp/nu-git-manager/

in the following we assume nupm and gm have been brought into scope with

use nupm


use nu-git-manager gm


  • pull down repositories
const REPOS = [
    [url,                                         bare,  fetch, push];

    [git://,                   false, git,   git],
    [,   false, https, ssh],
    [,         true,  https, ssh],
    [,          false, https, ssh],
    [, false, https, ssh],
    [,            false, https, https],
    [,       false, https, https],
    [,             false, https, https],
    [,          false, https, https],

$REPOS | each {|repo|
    if $repo.bare {
        gm clone $repo.url --fetch $repo.fetch --push $repo.push --bare
    } else {
        gm clone $repo.url --fetch $repo.fetch --push $repo.push
  • install Nushell packages
const PKGS = [

$PKGS | each {|pkg| nupm install --force --path (gm status | get root.path | path join $pkg) }
  • install Nushell from source
cargo install --path (gm list --full-path  | find "nushell/nushell" | get 0)
  • install the ST terminal emulator
# in `st/st`
cp ~/.config/st/config.h .
sudo make clean install
  • install the Rio terminal emulator from source
cargo install --force --locked --git
  • install the Alacritty terminal emulator from source
cargo install --force --locked --git --rev cad0cbec
  • install the Zellij terminal multiplexer
cargo install --locked [email protected]
  • install Neovim from source
# in `neovim/neovim`
git checkout v0.9.0
sudo make install

# in `amtoine/kickstart.nvim`
tk setup
tk update
  • install Nix
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
  • install some more software
cargo install git-delta fd-find ripgrep sd
sudo apt install gnome-screensaver gnome-shell-extensions tmux wl-clipboard bat
  • enable bluetooth
systemctl enable bluetooth
  • enable cron jobs
systemctl enable cronie
  • install Discord with use ~/.config/discord/ * and then discord install --help

Ubuntu-specific instructions

  • settings > multitasking > 4 workspaces
  • settings > keyboard > default layout to us
  • edit /etc/default/keyboard with

# Consult the keyboard(5) manual page.


  • settings > keyboard > bindings > custom >
    • bye on super + shift + q: rio --command nu --env-config ~/.config/nushell/ --commands " --lock 'gnome-screensaver-command --lock'"
    • terminal on super + enter: rio --command nu --commands "$env.SHELL = $nu.current-exe; tmux new-session -A -s (random uuid)"
  • disable settings > keyboard > bindings > windows > hide window on super + h
  • disable settings > keyboard > bindings > system > lock screen on super + l
  • settings > keyboard > bindings > navigation > move workspace left / right with super + h / l
  • settings > keyboard > bindings > navigation > move window to workspace left / right with super + shift + h / l
  • settings > keyboard > bindings > navigation > switch windows on super + j
  • settings > keyboard > bindings > navigation > switch windows directly on super + k
  • disable settings > power -> screen blank
  • disable settings > power > automatic suspend
  • run gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface locate-pointer true

4. Contribute. [toc]

YOU can contribute to this project in the wonderfull world of linux, arch and configuration!

  • if you like this overview, try to install the config and see what it looks like!
  • if you like this config, please share it to whoever could be interested.
  • if you stumble upon bugs, ideas, new amazing color palettes or alternatives,
  • if you want to be part of the testers for my install script. do not hesitate to contact me, either via email, github issues or pull requests!

5. Gallery. [toc]