This readme is currently a work in progress and I am currently working on a nuget package which automatically adds the NPocoLoco config sections
Url :
Cmd: PM> Install-Package NPocoLoco
##What is NPocoLoco NPocoLoco is a tool, built using NPoco which allows you to create and manage database migrations from one version to another.
It enables:
- Safe automated deployments of database migrations
- Source controlled migration scripts
- Safe roll back of unsuccessful migrations as all scripts are run inside a transaction which
###Working Example Please refer to the NPocoLoco.Tests.Integration project within the solution for a working example of NPocoLoco. In this project there are a couple of scripts.
###What is it doing [TBC]
###Configuration The only addition to the configuration is for the NPocoLoco section.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<sectionGroup name="nPocoLocoConfigGroup">
<section name="nPocoLocoSection"
type="NPocoLoco.Configuration.NPocoLocoSection, NPocoLoco"
allowDefinition="Everywhere" />
<nPocoLocoSection connection="NPocoLocoConnectionString" resourcesAssemblyName="NPocoLoco.Tests.Unit"/>
There are two properties which are required to be setup:
- connection - the name of the connection string within your configuration file you want to run the migrations against
- resourcesAssemblyName - the assembly which contains the SQL scripts
###Release Notes [TBC]